chapter three

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"Sarah..?" I herd him asking for me.
"Give me my file for tomorrow's meeting and please tell me the schedule."

"Um... yes just one sec," and i started searching the stuff from the glass table.
"i got it. This is your file sir and tomorrow you have to attend the meeting at 11:30 am. It will almost last for 2 hours and then you have a flight for newyork for the press over there." I told him very informatively.

"OK! So you will be there with me in the meeting as well as in the newyork there are some things i want to discuss with you." He said.

"But sir i have....." i was about to finish my sentence but he cut in and said," i don't want any 'buts' and 'ands'."

There was a little anger in his voice so i didn't argued much with him and agreed to go.

We left the office and Steven dropped me home. As he was angry i just asked "what happened Steven? Did i do Something wrong in the office?"

But he said nothing. He ignored my question and focused on driving. also i thought that this was not the right time to ask him anything so i just turned my head and enjoyed the buildings and the scenario. The whole ride was silent for a while until Mike turned his radio on to some party music which was really horrible to hear.

He dropped me near my building and gave me my favourite Winnie's chocolate vanilla cake.

"Bye. See you tomorrow, angel!" He said kissing my hand.

I looked at him surprisingly and pushed my hand back.
"Um thanks for this cake. This is one of my favourite."

"I knew that. Angel face!"

"Ok-okay so..... um..... good night. See you tomorrow. Bye."
I waved my hand and signaled him to go. But he was standing like he had been rooted at one place.

"Uh..... i will..... just.... go now. Its too late so..... bb-bye."
And went inside my house without turning back. I knew Steven was standing there only but still.....!

I was so happy that after a hard day i got to go home. I was a bit relaxed seeing dim coloured walls of my house, they are just so soothing.
It was so delightful to enter the shower and use my favourite shampoo and soap. The hot water shower made me relax. All the stress was left far away and i was stress free.

I wore my night pant and shirt and gazed myself into mirror and sighed,"Ah! This is comfortable."

I had my dinner. It was noodles with some soup. Turning on the music i finished my dinner and went to bed.

My half room was filled with books. I love reading poems and romance novels.
I always read some before sleeping. And i had a good collection of classic romance novels. These books let me fly to another world of satisfaction.

Just before going to bed there was a beep sound on my phone. It was a message from Mike.

'Hey angel do come earlier in the parking i will catch you there and then we will attend further things'.

Reading this i just replied 'OK'.

I know i am not too punctual so i set an alarm at 5 am and slept.

Soon morning was up. The sky was slightly lit as it was 5. The birds chirp sound made the morning too devotional. And the morning breeze suddenly entered the room and touched my skin with goosebumps.

Seeing the time i got up the bed and got into the shower.

I was having my break fast. It was half finished when Mike honked his car horn and i freaked out. I took my passport, his important files and some money.

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