chapter six

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I slept as it was late. About 11;15 pm.
There was a knock.
I got scared because i was alone in my flat and even i didn't ordered anything to be delivered now.

I was trembling due to fear. My heart started pounding. This was the feeling when i thought that my heart would come out from my chest breaking all the ribs. I could barely breathe.

"Who's there?" My voice was shaking.
Yet no answer just a knock.

I opened the door. Seeing the person i almost caught my breathe. I was surprised.

It was Mike on the knock. I let him in. He was drunk. Too much drunk!

With shocked expression i watched him getting in and locking the door. He was dangerously staring me up and down. He used to stare me when i put up some thing cool and sexy but this time he had different intentions.

"I missed you angel. I just saw you this morning." He rubbed my back with his hard hands. His touch was affecting me so much right now.

"I was wandering on the empty roads. When i ended up at the bar. You know that bar when we used to dance together. The one which was offside of the jungle." He started speaking with words playing football in his mouth.
Funny! Imagination. Haha.

"You might call me rich and snotty and spoiled. But i am not. I was so overwhelmed and anxious. So i planned to have a glass of wine and leave. That one glass turned into two and then few shots which bartner convinced me to have.
I sat there for a while longer.

I thought through everything again and again. but right now that was enough all i could think of drinking is your soft pillowy lips. I wanted to kiss you."he said. I wanted to do much more than a kiss angel. I herd his evilly laugh.

I just continued to look at my boyfriend who got sexier in a second.
He kissed my forehead. I giggled looking towards him.

He leaned a bit and kissed my lips.
I felt cloudy and high.
When I broke away he frowned, "hey! I wasn't finished."

"What have you been up to?" I asked joining my eyebrows.

"I may have had too many drinks." He said frowning again.

He told me everything about the night. I probably had millions of questions but knew that now wasn't the best time to ask.

He kissed me again. I leaned so i could kiss him back.
"Have you been smoking because you smell like marijuana?" I asked breaking.

"No but I'm pretty sure the guy next to me was."

I dragged him onto the couch and sat on top of him. He didn't had any problem with it because he held my waist pulling closer to him.

"I want to make love to you." He said as he pulled his shirt and threw it away and kiss my lips again.
His chest was like a grand Canon.

I let out a breathy laugh but he cut me off again by kissing. This time neither one of us broke away. I was in heaven. I let him do what he wanted. I kissed him as he wanted. He pulled my night top.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know angel. Do you know why a boyfriend strips his girlfriend?"
I mean was that an actual question?

He grabbed me and pulled me onto the couch. Now both were laying down. He trapped my hand with his and he had his head resting just below my chin.

I breathed in, lost in his embrace.

He slept keeping his head on my chest for two minutes. Then he suddenly woke up, "i brought some thing for you." He said.

I sat on the couch waiting for him to show up.

He was back with a bag. I took that bag and pulled out a lingering. It was catwoman lingering. My eyes widened when i saw it. It was black and Shiny with lots of lace.
He brought us on the bed. he was on top of me. "I would have you try it on." Mike paused to kiss my forehead, my eyes, my lips.
He was breathing heavy which made me breathe really heavy. He was teasing me. Really, really hard. I am not sure tomorrow i would be able to walk.

He removed my bra and shorts.
My breast were in his hands. He rubbed them and licked my nipples. He was just on top of me i could feel the heat from him. I felt his warm breathe on my neck. He sucked it. Tracing my neck line with his tongue he went down. He sucked and licked my neck and then my chest and then traced my stomach. Teasing me he bite on corner of my stomach. his teeth left my body with a shiver. Current was flowing through my body. I was panting. Then he removed my panty and threw it away. I was blushing. This was first when i am losing my virginity. I probably thought of this after marriage but Mike made me low the walls. He kept sucking my body. Then he parted my legs and put his head between them. His lips felt so warm. His tongue was going deep. Teasing my part. "Mike!" I moaned. It was as if he knew what i wanted, he came into me. This was my first love. And i want to give my everything to him. The pain was ripping me into parts. But that felt pleasure. "Its okay angel. You will feel good. Just look at me. Its fine." He kept saying as i shouted in pain. He was moving to and fro. Going deeper. This really felt pleasure. He leaned down and kissed my lips. He kept going and going. I wrapped my legs around his waist. My fingers were clenching his shoulders. He still kept going deeper. Then he pulled me up. Now we were both in a sitting position. I was sitting on him. I was jumping. My chest rubbed against his. This was Hell good time. He picked me up and placed me on table. I was sleeping and in standing position he kept going in. To and fro. To and fro. He was really hard. His chest was so perfectly shaped. All the packs could be seen. He was sweating. Still kept going. He stared into my eyes. I could see love for me. He left his seed into me. And with a hush we stopped. We both smiled at each other. He picked me in his arms and led me on bed. He was still hot. His body was still so warm. I slept on his chest. Listening his heartbeat. It was music. Like drums played in my ears. He was so warm that i didn't even needed a blanket.


Hey guys are you all panting? Just finished my half story.

This chapter is really hot. Even i caught my breath writing this chapter.

I hope you guys enjoy this story until now.

Just hit the star and keep voting for me.

And sorry for the delay next chapter will be updating soon.

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