chapter thirteen

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Hi there! Sorry for the delay, i have been working my butt hard to complete last chapter.

Do tell me about my story and keep hitting the vote button.


I woke up with a bit frizzy hair and my body still lingered with the feeling of pain. Sweet pain although. I searched for Mike beside my bed but i found just a note written with perfectly shaped words on it. Each word rather screaming its own story.

'Morning love. I am so sorry to go without informing you. I have to go to Netherland for some important work. I will be back as soon as possible. Here's your breakfast on the table. Now hop from the bed and eat it full; Your Mike.'

Was all written in the note. I saw beside my bed was a trolly with breakfast and glass of water and then i searched for my cellphone. It was six in the morning. I pushed my self in the pillow tired of getting up early and eating breakfast, especially if Mike cooked it.

Oh god. Another morning without Mike. Great! Just great! I thought and tried to sleep. But it was another hard thing to do. Almost frustrated i woke up from my extra soft and comforting bed and washed up my face and took shower. I watched my self in the mirror. I was just wrapped in a baby pink colored towel. The upper portion of my breast were slightly revealed making me turn round and watch my whole figure. Frantically i said to myself, " you are the most beautiful woman alive on this planet." I smiled and pushed the blower button on and dried my hair. 

"Whoa! Steak and buttered bread. Yumm", Was all left my mouth when i saw the breakfast.

I ate half breakfast and checked my cellphone for messages. Unfortunately there was a beep and a message popped up the screen- 'you have meeting in 15 minutes and on behalf of Mike you must be present.'

What!? No. I cursed. I threw the breakfast in the plate and ran towards the door and gushed into my car driving as fast as i could.

"Good morning ma'am", said Casey adjusting herself back in the chair.
"Morning Casey" i shot back a smile towards her and opened the polished glass door. There were people sitting on the table. Oval and big table.

"Ah! You are here. I guess you are ten minutes late darling", said Brent standing near the table.

"Yeah. I am sorry,"i shot an apologetic smile at everyone. And nodded at Brent to start the meeting.

"There is some issue in the trade mill factory. The workers are not ready to work they need more salary. And also some machines are needed to be replaced. They are worn out now."

"What? Not again. Two months before we incremented their salary", i said gaining everyone's attention.

"Yes. I know but they have a leader for all this thing and he raised his voice for increment and there is no other option for us rather than to increase their salary or else we will have to suffer a great loss and that will affect our other companies. Also Mr. Chyun kan our biggest investor had warned us to fix this or else he will take his hands out of the company. And news channels also have covered this story very well."

"Okay. Just fix this problem as soon as possible. Change the machinery which is needed. Also take care of the safety of workers. If there is any person under 25 age in the factory send him home. I don't want another matter to be raised", i said and asked for other peoples opinion over this topic.

Everyone nodded 'yes'.

"Okay is there any other issue?" I asked

"No. That's  all", Brent replied.

"Okay. Good. Just take care of the machinery and put everything back to work."

"Yes ma'am. I need your signatures on some papers.", Brent said putting back all papers in the file

"Yes. Send them in my cabin. Thankyou", i said to Brent and then looking towards other board members i shook a firm handshake and stepped out of the hall.

'Hufh. Relief. Such a loaded work to do', i said to myself rubbing the imaginary sweat from my forehead.

I went in my cabin and there was lots of stuff on the table. My table was unorganized. My computer was on with keyboard left lot behind screen below which some papers were kept. A magazine which showed page3 lifestyle was opened. A half filled coffee cup; don't know when i sipped it was at the corner of the table. And some keys laid beside it; Cushions thrown on the ground from sofa.

I was busy in arranging all the 'stuff' from my table. My back was towards the door for i was picking up the cushion. I turned and saw Brent standing at the door, leaned with hands folded seducingly to his chest and evil smirk on his face.

"Ohh. You sacred me. When did you entered in?", i asked going towards the table.

"When you were picking pillows."

"Mmha. Brent you have to stop doing this."

"Stop doing what? " Brent asked teasingly.

"You know what i mean Brent."

"Really. Tell me you like this."

"Just shut up. Give me the papers and get outta here", i scowled.

"Aha. Wild young cat. Impressive", Brent said giving me the file.

"Just keep in mind, this wild cat can rip you into two parts if you are not good to me and if you do not stop trying your tricks on me. You will be fired if i tell mike about your behaviour."

"Whoa. Whoa. Hang on. Not this easy you will get rid of me."

I rolled my eyes and signed the papers. "Now will you please take some efforts to get out from my cabin? "

Brent smirked and left. And i turned back to my work. All small cheats, notes and receipts were sorted and important papers were filed properly. It was 6 in the noon and time to go home.

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