chapter fifteen

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"Mike" i stopped him and went towards him.'Shower time', i glance at him and he says 'no' with a nod but i show eyes to him and he doesn't argue. He goes silently into a bathroom and pulls the tap. I followed him to the bathroom and locked the door. At one end he was waiting for me to come.

I slowly and tentatively went closer with each step took cautiously and his eyes burning into me. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he groans under my touch. I could see what my touch can do to him and i feel watching him the same effect as i am.

I kiss the nape of his neck and he closes his eyes almost lost. I trail the soft kisses up to his cheeks and then his jawline and then his lips. The soft kiss immediately turned into a intense, demanding and hungry and lustful kiss. Our tongues were twiddling and wanting each part of the mouth to be touched. He pinned me to the wall kissing more and more. My hands went to his hairs and one leg swirled around him and pushed him against me. I could feel him hard. He moaned my name very seductively in between the kiss.

We pulled away left breathless. Both of us. And the sensation was still in the air. "I love you, my love." These honey coated words left from his mouth and made me happy and clapping my hands and dancing like a small kid.

I smiled back at him "i love you too." He kisses the back of my hands and we gaze at each other and,"i want to bath with you."

He gets shocked. I could see on his face those mixed emotions of shyness, discomfort, love, lust, amusement, and what not. He steps back with a grin on his face with a 'No' and a 'yes-i-want-this' expression.

"Hey it is okay. I have seen you naked before. I have touched your man-parts. You don't need to turn this red."

"You shut up okay. You are not going to do this. And i am not taking a bath if this is going to happen."

"Oh. Yes. I am. And even you will. Those are my orders and please do not break the pace. I will not watch you if you want. You can blind fold me and i will just touch you. I just want to feel you."

After so much of convincing thing he agreed and i gave him a handkerchief to blind fold me. He carefully placed it over my eyes and tied.
"Perfect. See i couldn't see you. Now i will just hear your voice and feel you."

I couldn't see him but i know he has become a bit comfortable and also a sweet smile playing on his lips.

"Wait. Let me undress you." I slowly touched his neck as soft as i could and then went down to his first button. The first button is undone. And then the second. And then the third. While undoing his shirt i could feel his skin rubbing to skin of my hands. I could hear his breathes fastening with each button undone. my breathing also increasing in rhythm with him. It started feeling hot! When all the buttons were undone i slid the shirt off his arms with little of my skin touching him seductively. Soon the shirt was on the floor. Then i held his shoulders and placed kisses on his neck and then chest and then his stomach. His muscles contracted with each kiss and he started breathing fast.
I runned my hands from his chest to lower abdomen tracing the line of his jeans around his waist. He stopped my hand from undoing his zipper and button.

"Its okay i can't see you. And i just want to bath you. Promise i will not touch you there."

He left my hand after a second or two hearing this from me. He let me slid his jeans down and i could feel him closing his eyes and gasping all the air he could. the jeans was on the floor beside his shirt. then i placed my fingers softly on his thighs and slid up to his waist tracing his underwear line and then tugged my two finger in his underwear elastic and slid them down. Now it was also beside his shirt and his jeans. I could feel him getting exposed and feeling shy.
"take me to the bathroom." i said too softly.
he held my shoulders and directed me towards the bathroom.

This was going to be fun!

I ran my fingers down his chest to lower abdomen just to stop above his erection.
A small moan escaped his mouth and his eyes closed asking for more pleasure.
I raised my hand and ordered him to give me soap and he followed whatever i was saying. I kissed hi neck and applied soap over there. I kissed his chest and put some soap on it followed by stomach. Then i turned him and kissed his shoulder blades and put soap and now on his lower back. I could feel His skin was itching and seeking me for more touchiness. Then i put some soap on his legs. I rubbed his feet and while rubbing his erection touched my cheek and he groaned softly as if he wants me to touch it. Then i stood up and my face close to his face. His breathing was getting heavier and heavier with my touches. I squeezed his butt and pulled him against me kissing his lips. Started softly kisses on his lips which immediately turned into a passionate one when our bare skins touched each others. My tongue trailing his tongue and exploring his mouth. The chap sound was now mixed with some moans left from my mouth when he cupped my breast and squeezed them in his palms. We broke after some time breathlessly and i washed him. We came out of shower and i threw towel towards him which he catched without any effort and wrapped around his waist lowly showing his hip bones. His erection was still seen from the towel and i know he was hard and wants me more as i want him. He came closer to me pinning me to the wall and kissed me with lust and wanting. His hands slid inside my top slightly raising the hem of my top. His hands traced the lower curve of my breast and still him kissing me. I went wet with his kisses and just his touch. We parted and i pushed him back and ran out of the room; left him teasing a bit more. He frowned because of my actions and his troubled face was too cute to watch. He was ordering me from inside the room to come back to him but i said 'NO'. Now he was angry on me and i know if i get caught he will not leave me before possessing me to him. He shot daggers at me putting his clothes on and i giggled at his actions and turned to some other work.

He came out of the room towards me and pulled me close to him. His one hand holding my hand tightly so i couldn't run anymore and the other on my waist leaving me no chance to run again. His eyes were now filled with little anger and the hunt for me to claim to be his.

"You have no place to run Honey!", he said with a wicked grin on his lips coming close to my lips for kiss.
I immediately stopped him by putting my fore finger on his lips and ordered him to leave me but instead he licked my finger and my legs weakened from this action.

"Oh really? " i tickled him and he loosened his grip around me which was really helpful for me to run. I ran to the other corner of the room him following me.

He caught me after some time and pulled me tightly into a hug. I struggled but his grip got more tight.
"Stop trying. You know you can't run away from me", his breath fanned my neck. I rolled eyes at him and he giggled.

"Oh i forgot to tell you that my mom invited you at dinner."

I almost choked at his statement.
"What?!  No."

"Yes. And she wants to see you tomorrow."

"No. No. No. Not tomorrow. I am not prepared for that. Can we do this some other day. Please."

"Oh honey. She is my mom not a dinosaur. I am sure she will not eat you", he chuckled.

"Shut up. This is serious. I can't do this. I-I......"

"Relax sweetheart. She will love my choice."

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