chapter eight

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I finished my work. Till 2pm as warned.
Until i open the gift box the question eating my mind was what could be in it?

At last i finished with mails and opened the box.

There was a royal blue skin tight knee length dress With same coloured heels.

Mike's room was really where i wanted to go now for changing and some TouchUp.

I couldn't believe its me when i saw myself in mirror.
I just combed my hair n left open with matte red lipstick.

Beep beep.... vibrated my phone:

'Come on honey, you already look beautiful. Don't waste your time watching yourself in mirror. I am waiting near gate.'

I stepped in elevator closing mobile screen.

Outside the gate was mike in black suit with a blue coloured tie somewhat same as my dress color. There was a gleam in his eyes and a light smile.

"You look gorgeous miss." Was his first sentence when he saw me.

"It seems you have a good taste." I knocked him with elbow and entered in car.

"Where are we going?" I asked turning my face towards him.

"Surprise....!" He said.

I didn't liked surprises much because it follows the pattern of anxiety.
But on the other end these kind of acts spreads happiness on face.

My hairs covered my face and i could feel Mike's eyes on me.

Finally after 30 min of driving we stopped in front of a hotel.

It was very sleek, multistory building that could almost rival trump tower.

The polished panel reflected the street and lights below including the waterfall that switched my gaze to that stood in front of what i assumed to be entrance of the building.

Above the gigantic front doors was written HOMETEL in big bold letters.

I reached for my door handle.
"Wait.!!" Mike demanded unbuckling his seatbelt.

"I will get your door for you."

I thought that this was polite thing to do. He probably wanted to look as chivarlous as he could.
My door opened a moment later and he offered his hand out for me. I gripped it and he easily pulled me out of the car and wrapped an arm around my waist.

I felt a shiver run through my spine and took a small breath.
Pushing forward lightly we made our way to the glass doors. The men standing near the door greeted us. I only focused on his words distracting by the interior design of the hotel.
It was beautiful. Every thing was sleek and modern. The floor were made out of cream coloured marble with some patterns made with brown tiles mixed in it. The walls were deep brown with white trimming.

The ride up the elevator was tensed. His thumb circled my palm.
When the elevator dinged at our arrival on tenth floor Mike came close to me placing his hand on my waist and i hooked my arm through his in response.
the elevator opened and we walked down a dimly lit hall, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor.

We pushed through a set of glass doors and stepped outside.
The lights from the city twinkled all around us only blocked by one side of hotel towering above us.

It was amazing. The sun was setting now and i could only imagine what the view would be like when it was completely dark.

On the side of the wall there was a dimly lit bar with well dressed men n women mingling in front of it with drinks in hand.

"Wow!", I breathed.

"Come on, i reserved us the best table", he said pushing on my back.

A well dressed Waiter headed towards us and handed the menu.

I was really not much fond of food so i let Mike choose today's dinner.

Mike ordered the best red wine they had with salad and Chinese delight.

"So....", interlocking his fingers in mine. "How's the place?"

"Unbelievably awesome. Especially the sight. I guess you might be the regular customer hanging out here with your ladies." I teased him a bit.

He ignored with a smirk.

"My mom wants to meet you.", he said.

My eyes almost popped out thinking what it could be. I don't want to get fired as before she did because i was half hour late for meeting.

"Don't worry. Its just she wanted to apologize for her behaviour." He added . "But first i want you to know some rules before going in front of her."

She was very well disciplined lady. She was punctual and rarely accepted apologizes. Thats why every employee was afraid to speak to her.
But outside business she was really good and polite.

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