chapter four

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The next day Brent came in office with some sweets. He is an employee in Mike's office. I was seated on the couch reading newspaper and Mike was busy with his work on laptop.

He winked towards me entering the cabin. With a smile on his face he headed towards Mike and congratulated him.
"The company have convinced the foreign investors to invest their money and they have signed this contract." He said in a low voice.

Mike's face turned happy. He was jumping with joy. He came running towards me and hugged me. He was so happy that he hugged me too much tight. I could barely breathe. Brent just stood there watching his reaction. Even i had a smile on my face and we both laughed at each other.

"Tell all the employees and workers that we'll have a party tomorrow night."
Brent left with the message and announced party to all the employees.

Now i and Mike were in the cabin. He was glazing at me. Happiness filled his eyes. His slightly brown lips had a pointed smile. He was smirking at me. We both caught our sight towards each other. He hugged me again. So tightly that my chest was rubbing his body. His body felt so warm. His hands slowly touched my lower back. His touch tingled my body. My legs had no strength when i felt his touch.
Looking into his eyes i felt lost. They were so meaningful. We were lost in each others touch.
We didn't even recognize that the telephone bell was ringing. When i realized i nudged Mike to pick up the phone call. Then he just gave a smile.

He turned and finished with his call. Silence was spread around us. We both were staring at each other.
Mike slowly came towards me moving his body in sexy way. He held my wrist in his hands and pulled me towards him. Mike what are you doing? I asked him giving a huge question mark on my face. He then leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "Hey angel i have a fantastic news and a offer for you. Don't you wanna know what it is?" I just nodded because the way i was feeling was beyond my sight. I have never been felt so much special since 3 years when i shifted to Sweden. I followed him. His hand was entwined in mine. His hand was hard but that felt so soft. His touch mixed all my feelings. I already like him but i didn't thought that our friendship would hit us on this peak.

Soon we were on the third floor of his office building. Yet his hands were holding mine. we were in front of his room. He had a room in his office building. He used to check girls in there. You might get what i wanted to say you are not that dumb. He tied a cloth on my eyes. "Its a surprise my angel!" I did cooperated him and went inside as he leaded me.
Don't tell me to strip here for you or do some stupid pole dance. I couldn't see anything but there was a nice room freshener spread which made my mood light. Also he played some music on. He gave me a bag and told me to change my outfit. "What is going on Mike? Is there any need for this one? Can't you just show me what you got?" I asked him and he argued that i have to wear it or else he will put the dress on me on his own.

I didn't argued. I have to do this else he will strip me and i don't wanna let this happen at least not now. "Okay Mike i will do this but you just hide some where else."
"No angel. I will not hide anywhere. I want to see you." He smirked.

"You are not gonna listen to me right?"
"Yes you are right my angel. Now stop wasting time and wrap your self with this dress. I don't want to wait any more now i have already waited for a long.

'Waited for a long' what does this mean? Does he already loves me?
He sent me in the bathroom to change. As i yet had the cloth covering my eyes Mike leaded me.

He handed me the bag and left me there. I removed the cloth. The bathroom was huge. It had tiles of white colour which gave it a nice luxurious look. There was a bath tub at its centre. Cream coloured tub it was just the size of my bed. I could sleep here in the hot water it was so big. Anyways i just changed my dress.

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