chapter sixteenth.

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I was standing in front of the mirror just giving final touch up to my makeup. Someone cleared their throat behind me. Turning, my eyes widened at Steve's muscular, tense stature, towering over me. His eyes narrowed slightly at me. I raised an eye brow questioningly.

"Hello Sarah", his voice sharp and accusing. Swallowing the lump i turned back and finished with perfume.

Mike caresses my back, "Sarah baby, we should go" his voice soft.
Without another word we walked in the direction of gate. A black SUV waiting patiently out at the parking.

Steven just sat quietly looking at the moving scenes outside the car. He caressed my hand and entwined it with his. The whole way was filled with silence. He might be worried of our today's meet i guess.

We pulled up at a beautiful old fashioned looking house. Lights were on illuminating the gray sky. Steven stepped out of the car offering me his hand.  I gladly accepted it, thankful to have somebody to steady my nerves. My nervousness visible on my face.

"You look beautiful. I wouldn't mind stripping you of that attire", he whispered causing a blush forming on my cheeks.  Oh Steven.

"Hush. Not in front of your parents."

Ushering into the house, standing next to the large, grand stair case, stood, who i think were, his parents.  His mother's hair was silver with a hint of brown. Her eyes shining, mirroring Steven's.  She smiled softly at us.  Steven's father was just attractive as himself. Dark brown hair with a little gray and deep blue eyes,  alert and sharp.  His face was relaxed.  steven let go off my hand, walking over to his mother, hugging her tightly, before giving a polite nod to his father.

What was all that about?  Maybe him and his father are not so close.

"Steven dear,  you look so pale have you been drinking enough water? Eating at all? " chuckling he gave his mother a reassuring look.

"Yea. Mother, you have nothing to worry about", he said before gesturing towards me, "mother this is Sarah. Sue this is Margret Evans."

She embraced me quickly into a hug. "It's so nice to meet you. Steven has never got any girl home before. Not even that dreadful Natalie."
Raising my eyebrow at Steven, he shrugged.

"Oh Sarah this is William Rodriguez", Mrs Margret introduced his father. I smiled politely at him.

"It's nice to meet you both", i replied and he nodded.

"Shall we be seated, we are just waiting for Nicole."

Shooting steven a questioning look he smiled,"my sister", he mouthed.

Sitting at the table my mouth watered at the food, set around. The air smelt of fresh biscuits and gravy. The front door creaked open and in walked steven's sister. She was absolutely gorgeous.

Her light brown hair was curled, falling down her shoulder, her blue eyes were blue, exotic looking. She wore a tight ombre dress and a gray jacket. Halting when she saw me.

She sat down." Glad you could make it", Steven joked. She rolled her eyes and gave a playful grin.

Everyone else greeted her softly. waving her hand, she turned towards me,"I'm sorry you have me at a disadvantage. I am Nicole and you are?"

I cleared my throat giving her a polite smile, "I'm Sarah."

"Nice to meet you. You know, Steven has never brought a girl home before."

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