chapter seven

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I woke up on the other half of the bed. Mike used me as a pillow yesterday night and left me with a back pain.

I was kind of sweaty and really needed a shower. I could barely keep my eyes open.

Collecting all my clothes and a towel I just went in for a shower. It was so much of pleasure in my bath tub. The fragrance of my calendula soap was relaxing all my stress. And the hot  steam raising upwards almost gave me happiness.

Soon  I washed and dried myself wearing a hot black lingerie.
White crop top with dark blue ripped jeans. shorts.

Mike was still on the bed sleeping with his backside up. His pant was placed a bit lower exposing a little skin of his butt.

"Stop staring I know I'm hot." He said in sleepy voice.

How did he know I was staring at him?

I just turned around when I felt my cheeks blush and told him to get ready for work.

"Yeah fine", he replied and pushed his face back in the pillow.

I sat on couch giving him a look which I was sure to warn him to get up and get ready.

He shot a teasing smile and went for shower.

I was nervous and constantly tapping my feet thinking of the night with mike.
I also found myself smiling. The touch of his lips made my cheeks blush and my body heated.

I came out of my dream when I heard mike calling for his towel.
"Ohh mike u ain't kid now. Keep the habit of taking your towel with you."

I raised my hand giving him towel.

Ouch...!! And I am in the shower.

"!! I don't wanna get wet again", I shouted at him and he pulled me more closer. His one hand was on my lower back and the other one holding my hand.

He began to kiss my neck coming up to my lips.

His hands were exploring my back giving me tickling senses.

He started undressing me. "Mike I am.... I am.... still sour.!!" I demurred pushing him away.

"Okay angel but for now let me kiss your soft lips."he smirked and started exploring my mouth with his tongue.

He pinned me against the wall and kissed with hunger.

"That was real good kiss."he smiled with lust in his eyes.

"Yeah good for you. Now get your ass outta here." I whispered in his ears.

I saw Mike smirking behind me while dressing myself.

"What? I know I'm hot." He raised his eyebrows and turned his neck.

"Yeah sure princess."

"I am going to office and i wanna see you there in 15 minutes." Giving him a warning look i left the room.

"Yes boss!"

I took the car keys. Yes my officially declared boyfriend's car keys.
It was black in color and had most comfort giving seats. Its was classy instead and sports car were more of my taste.

Soon I reached the office, everyone greeted me a morning smile.

Heading towards the canteen I ordered a coffee and went in my cabin.

It was good seeing my cabin clean maybe Cara, the receptionist , might have arranged my files and papers.

It is about an hour i have seen Mike. Yeah isn't that great! I miss him already.

There was a smile playing on my lips thinking of Mike. We spent great time together in high school. Yes we fought most of the times just like any other teenager but now this is all I wanted. It seems as my dreams are coming true.

I came out of my 'dream session' when I heard the receptionist knocked the door.

"Yes. Come in. What do I have for today cara." I asked her suggesting to sit on chair.

"Its almost nothing today. You have to just send a mail to this list and then you are done for today."

"Ohh! That's great!! I will be going home early today!" I said.

"There's one more thing for you ma'am" she told cutting my happiness down.

"What is it?" I asked with amusement.

"Uh... this is a present for you.
Mr. Mike wants to see you till 2pm." She told me with a smirk.

"Okay. Thank you! "I said in surprised voice.

There was a note on that box warning me to be on time on the office gate.

'To find me, follow these sticky notes.' Was written on that paper.

Ohh... these chasing games.!! I cursed under my breathe.

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