chapter twelve

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It was 9 pm when mike showed up.
"Atlast! You got time", i said sarcastically.

"Easy. Easy girl. It was important work", mike justified.

"Yeah. That's fine."

Mike came closer to me and caressed with my lower lip. His touch brought stringent in my body. And then he leaned closer; Slowly and kissed my lips. His tongue was twirling and playing into my mouth making me moan and suddenly my phone bell rang. We cut off and i picked up my phone.

I frowned at this call.

"Who is it? ", mike asked.

"Mum", i replied silently.

"Oh answer the call Suzanne. I am sure she might be having something important for you to tell."

"Hello mum", i answered in low voice.

"Hello honey. How are you doing?  There's been ages since we had conversation. "

"Yeah mum. I am just busy with some work. I will talk with you later mom."

"Alright honey. Remember, mom loves you."

"Yeah. Love you too mom. Bye"

Then setting the phone on the table i snuggled back into Mike's warm embrace, laying my head on his chest.
Then i looked into his eyes and bit my lower lip.

"Oh no. What have i done to you", his voice raised and filled with sarcasm. He rolled over me. Our hands bonded as he pulled my arms over my head.
It felt so good when our bodies were pressed together.  He pressed his immense lips to the small of my neck sucking gently. My clit swelled and i got a feeling for wanting more. I wrapped my legs around him causing the blanket underneath us to move slightly. Gently i maneuver my legs around him so that our hips were touching. He lifted his neck leaving my neck wet where his lips were. Chills were sent up my spine.

I unravelled one of my hand to hold his hair and pull him closer. No matter how close he was, he still never felt close enough. His lips Passionately moved with mine for a minute or two.

I pulled away and whispered in his ears, "i am not wearing pantie."
I spoke nervously. His length hardened on my hips. I softly moaned.

"I want you. all of you", his husky voice turned me on. He licked his already wet lips locking his ice cold eyes on me. His gaze made me melt underneath him.

I rolled on top of him letting go off his other hand.

"Okay. But first a game." He smirked at my statement.

"What kinda game?"

"Monopoly", i giggled.

"I am kidding." I rolled off him.

"Here are the rules" i got up and walked towards the car searching for trunk. Grass wriggled in my toes in each step. His eyes followed me.
"If you roll even number, take your clothes off;  if you roll odd number you get dare anything the other person want to do", i winked rolling the dice towards him.

I sat beside him as he went from laying to sitting.

"You first." I bit my lower lips giving the dice to him.

He rolled the dice and it landed on 1.
"I get to dare you now, right? ", he grinned devilishly.


"I dare you to let me give you a hickey."

It seemed so simple so i wasn't nervous. But then he crawled on top of me grabbing my inner thigh. I became nervous and excited. He moved down where his hand laid on my bare skin. I wore A blue skirt and no underwear. My voice screamed in my head. He spread my legs leaving me exposed. He pecked my inner thigh and sucked harder. With his other hand he forcefully squeezed my butt.

"Oh god." My words were more like breathes.  After he finished he pulled my skirt down and moved back to his spot where he sat.

I sat up grabbing the die. "We don't have to finish the game", i said so horney.

"Nope. We have to finish this", he said making me pout.

I rolled landing on six. "Would you do honours of taking my shirt off Michael?" I asked.

"My pleasure." He grabbed the hem of my white crop top and slid it over my head lingering his hands on sides of my body.
My favourite blue silk bra was only the thing keeping me from expose.

"You are so hot." His husky tone filled my ears again. My cheeks flushed red.

"I can feel you blushing."

"Just roll", i said my tone a little hard.
He rolled landing on 1 again.

This time i knew what i wanted him to do.

"I dare you to take off my clothes with your mouth." I was planning to seduce him.

"I think i can do this." He wrapped his hands around my waist pushing me down.  He hovered then kissed in between my breasts. He struggled to unclasp my bra hook.

After a little he let out a deep breathe annoyed then switched angles. I could feel my chest becoming wetter from his mouth. All of a sudden a breeze and a relief came over my chest.
My nipples hardened from the warmth of cloth being pulled off.  He easily slid the straps off my arms leaving my breasts hanging.

Before he got closer to my skirt i rolled him on his back sitting on his hips. His length made me wet.

"Sure you want to finish this?" I slid my chest against his body meeting his lips. I rocked my hips back and forth making a small moan escape from his mouth. Taking his white cotton shirt in my hands i slid his shirt over his head. I studied his chest with my palms feeling all his muscles. 

I kept kissing and grinding  till he effortlessly picked me up by my hips and laid me in the back of his car trunk.
Suddenly he tore my skirt off.

It's funny because i am not comfortable naked around in public with such a cold breeze giving me chills throughout my body but something about Mike made me feel safe, and i like i could trust him.  He came back to my lips swirling his tongue in my mouth.

This kiss felt different, i have kissed him many times but this was more hungry. I kissed hungrily back.
My nipples became hard as he tightly clamped my boobs. I slid downward enough so that i could reach his length. Once i could get a grasp i rubbed it with my palms. Fear rushed over my face as soon as i felt it getting bigger. He removed his lips from mine taking his boxers off. I sat up and watched impatiently. My lip stung from biting it so hard.

Once we both were bare he crawled over me and grabbed my hips sliding me up. When he carried me around i felt like a child. I tightened my arms around his neck and kissed him with my chappy lips.

He pecked my lips before sliding the condom packets from his wallet. My neck snapped upwards as he gripped my hair and gave another hickey.
My breathes became thicker as his sweet spot touched my legs.

I felt the same chills as before.
"Are you ready babe?", i shook my head yes eagerly as i gulped.
"Say stop if it hurts too much.... okay?" His tone soft and tense at same time.


He positioned himself as i opened my legs wrapped around him. He teased me a little, "mmmm baby you are already wet."

Pushing his length into me i resumed biting my lip. It took some work to get it in. God! It hurts so much. Tears filled my eyes. Shit. Stop crying. A whimper left my lips.

He pulled out and kissed my tears.
"Say stop if you want me to. I don't want to hurt."

"Don't stop", I said wanting him to keep going.

"Babe its okay we can stop." Becoming annoyed i took control, and flipped over him.
I swear he got harder if that's even possible. I resumed thumping harder trying to stretch myself.

My spot was being hit harder now. Finally came pleasure it felt so strange. Soon a feeling came and i started moaning slightly, i couldn't handle it.

"Ohhhh", he flipped me back.
Putting my hands above my head and sucked my right breast.
He lifted his head slamming into me harder.  "Harder", i whined.

"I love you Suzanne." He whispered lacing his fingers with mine.

"I love you too Mike."

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