chapter nine

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I could hear someone opening the door but i refused to get up and pushed my head into cushion.

Then i heard the curtains opened and almost freaked out watching Mike standing near the window.

"W-what are you doing here? How did you came in? I am pretty sure i locked the doors."

"Remember you always kept an extra key beside the pots. Now get up and I'll make something for you to eat." He said heading out of my room.

I scrubbed my head and got up for shower.

I went down the hall to see mike. He was in T-shirt which almost stuck to his hot well toned body.

"Here you go. Have a seat little girl." He said plating the food.

"Don't you say that i am not 'little girl' anymore", I frowned.

"Unless you keep your things in right places." He replied forcing himself from laughing.

"Very funny", i said slitting my eyes.

"Come on now lets finish up with breakfast."

"What did you made pancakes? I hope they taste good than last time you cooked." Chuckled towards him.

He raised his one eyebrow and gave me pancake to eat.
"Yummie  its really good!", i praised him Putting piece of it into my mouth.

"See i told you", he said frantically.

There was silence between both of us on table. May be its just those Delicious pancakes.

"So... what you doing here?  Early morning?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I missed you so much last night. My mind was totally stuffed with the thoughts for how our life will be."
He came closer to me, brushing hair off my face.

"Its you who i was thinking of last night. Its you acting childish when you were almost drunk and your blushed face." He leaned and placed gentle kiss on my lips.
He sounded deep and husky. It was like every word left his mouth meant it. And off course i remained calm; responding his kiss.

His hard body touched mine. He slid his one hand in my hair pulling me towards him kissing me more vigorously  and other on my lower back.  I could feel his muscles contracted to pull me more closer. Our faces moved gently in opposite directions. He caressed my tongue which lead butterflies in my stomach.

Oh this boy!  I could never get enough of him.

We parted when the door bell rang. Twice. I pushed him away and said, "Go now! "

"You will not be able to push me next time", with a wink he turned towards door and pulled out some money.

"Who is it? " i 7/5 him putting the plates in basin.

"The pizza boy", he answered politely checking for bill.

He was so engrossed in reading the contents on the bill that he didn't even noticed me standing in front of him.

Damn what are you doing to me?

He looked like a small kid from 4th grade.

"Yeah i look good right", he smirked.

"Bless yourself for that babe", i said sarcastically and turned to sit on couch.

"Babe, i will be back in 5 minutes."  Before i could ask him something he left.

I ignored him and searched for the TV remote. As i never kept things on their right places i found remote below the couch.

Lazy me.

"Hey babe... i got us this to watch for today", he claimed waving the CD.

"Friends with benefits... is that what we are gonna watch. We have already  watched this movie twice", i frowned.

"Yeah but its really good, And you know i love to watch this movie. So you are gonna watch it with me", he ordered.

Oh god... where the hell am i stuck!

I watched mike. He paid to much attention even after watching it twice He also caught me most of the times. And we just laughed.

I loved watching him. Especially when he didn't noticed me starring him. He seemed intimidating, celestial and alluring. I held his hand and intertwined with his fingers making small circles on his palm. I think he felt tingling throughout his body because he pulled me closer.

That was an awesome feeling. I was overwhelmed blissfully. It was like all i wanted is this moment. His arms meant whole world to me.


My good 'pink mood' immediately turned like a murderer  when mike got up and started speaking with someone on phone.

He stuttered, "um.... babe listen.... actually i have to leave for office there is some important work for me to handle and that's.... urgent."

"W-what? What's more important than me huh? " i asked turning towards him. "And you said you are gonna spend this day with me at my house helping me for chores right? "

"Yeah!!!! I know baby......but..... this really important. There are some things which i have to sort. I hope you understand."

"Yeah whatever!" I rolled my eyes and headed to the kitchen but mike pulled me and placed soft kiss on my forehead and said, "i will be back soon. Okay. I promise."



Mike..... mike.... mike...!!!

This relationship seems so perfect.
Mike is being the man with the fruit.

What do you think? Who might have called mike? What was this urgency? Is there something wrong in his life?

Yes. You will get all your answers soon, just a bit of patience.

And keep reading and please hit the vote button.

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