chapter 5

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Kyrie POV- Unlike most people who suppress their anger with alcohol such as vodka and what not, I solved my problems by looking out the window, it wasn’t as effective as drinking and it was pretty much a useless attempt in a situation like this. My eyes begun to burn as they tried to adjust to the sudden burst of brightness of the outer world, waking me up from my daze, I rubbed my eyes before realizing I was just smudging my makeup worse than what it already is. I looked into the mirror of my wardrobe, my hair was askew, strands sticking up everywhere, some held partly by an elastic band entangled within the fuzz bomb of my hair. There were clumps of hair left on the floor after last night’s incident, my head still slightly throbbing from the amount of hair taken out.

I grabbed my mop of fluffy hair, twirling it and placing the red clip on the dressing unit in my hair to keep it all together, not worrying about how it made my hair stick out even worse than what it was, but at least it was out of my eyes. The makeup repair would have to wait till later, I didn’t have time to fuss about with makeup, I just needed to get out of this place, even if it’s the last thing I ever do, I just cant stand the crap I get into for practically doing nothing, other than working my butt of here and at work, which is apparently a bad job for me. When has bar tending ever been bad, and on some nights entertaining by singing, but in my books that isn’t as bad as what my job could be. I grabbed a bag, more like a suitcase, and started to chuck whatever necessities I wanted, which was practically everything but the photos on the wall, they all consisted of my brother and father, but I did manage to grab the family photo of us all when we were whole, but any who, I zipped up the bag and took it to the door. I took one less observation of the room, leaving photos of my brother whos throat I wanted to so badly rip out but would never get the chance ever to do so, and then of my father who I wanted to blow through the walls and windows by just pushing him, just to cause some form of pain in the form of payback of how he treated me last night.

I picked up my bag, and shut my, or what was my bedroom door as quietly as I could, trying not to wake the monster on the couch snoring his head off, so it gave me an all clear to leave the house without him noticing. I went to the fridge to get something to eat along the way, putting whatever wasn’t off into a container with all sorts of foods such as twiggy sticks, chicken strips, packaged barbeque sauce, caramel slice, and a couple other snacks from the pantry. I stuffed it into my travelling bag, and picked it up again, trying not to make a sound that could wake him up. I got to the front door, contemplating whether or not to leave him, after what he did last night I deserve every right to leave him, but if I leave there will be no one to look after him “bleagh” I muttered to myself as I opened the door, I deserve a better life than this, I shouldn’t be treated like this, no one should. I dragged my bag outside the house and slammed the door as hard as I possibly could, keys in my hands and bolted for my Alfa Romeo, dumping my bag in the passenger seat of the car.. I started the engine, revving it to make a statement, I felt utterly bored and he deserved it anyway. I reversed out of the driveway as he came running out the front door. His face as red as a cherry tomato, his hands clenched in fists and waving them about as I drove away. He begun to curse at me, but I couldn’t hear him, the window was wound up so that helped but I was away from that horrid place in five seconds flat, quicker than what I can say yippe kay yay. Now where was I going to bunker down and restart my life…


was the first thing I thought as I drove past a hotel far away from the place I had once called home, I pulled up the car and got out to start with my new life.

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