chapter 7

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Roger's POV-

‘you don’t need nobody else’

I mumbled to myself, walking down a pathway, trying to take my mind off brian. His body crumpled against the glass, I never meant for my anger to go to that extreme. Josie was going to slap me across the head when I eventually made it back to the apartment, and I wouldn’t blame her, I absolutely deserved it, and I would blame brian if he wanted to shoot me.

A car sped past me, a alfa romeo, one of my favourite cars, the engines are absolutely beautiful, the noise it makes when you turn it on, when you rev the engine, it was like being in a man made paradise where cars replaced people, where nothing mattered, and you could just go roaming around in whatever car you wanted and they couldn’t judge you for being the loner you are.

 I didn’t know where I was going, it was way too early for me to start the drinking spree, well for me it is, for others, they can drink at any hour of the day, but not me, no way, I could probably but it wasn’t good for me if I was to keep sane for the rest of the day. So what better way to spend my morning contemplating my life other than over a cup of hot tea and some form of breakfast, well that’s what I would be saying if I were a normal person if I actually ate breakfast, but I don’t, so it looks like ill just have a cup of tea this morning.

She quickly walked away, trying not to draw any attention and went to put in my order for my tea. I glanced around the room, not many people today, which is a surprise this place is generally packed. I picked up the daily newspaper and on the front was a picture of Freddie and the rest of us, announcing our release of bohemian rhapsody which no one thinks will go anywhere, but we will show them, it will sink in after a while how great that song is, and for sure my song, that will top the charts definitely. A new woman came back with my tea, though this one had a tie died shirt with a badge inscribed with the word Cleo, another nice name for such a quiet café. “thank you cleo” Acknowledging her, and thanking her for my cup of tea. I took a gulp of it and instantly nearly sprayed it back out of my mouth. What were they trying to do, kill me by giving me cold tea, its not like I asked for iced tea or anything, my usual is green. I gulped it down with great difficulty, screwing up my nose and clenching my eyes shut as I did so… green tea was horrible cold, and if they think im going to drink it all cold, they better think again. I picked up my black trench coat hanging on the back of my chair, folded it over my arm, left a tip and walked out, leaving that horrible stuff they obviously call tea behind for someone to clean up.

I decided to go back to the apartment, I know, I know bad decision at a time like this but what else was there to do till tonight, nothing, absolutely nothing, better face what is up ahead like the man I am and not coward away. During all this contemplation of where I was going I was completely dazed at where I was actually walking, I ended up walking into some girl, I think. Her brown sandy blonde hair practically sticking up in every possible direction all fuzzed up and held together by what was a red hair clip. Her eyes were as black as black could possibly get, mascara streaked down her face from most likely crying and her eye liner smudged around her eyes as if she had heavy bags under her eyes from a lack of sleep, though she could most possibly not have slept at all by the state her hair was in. She practically looked as though she were a walking raccoon on its hind legs, she was dressed in the most baggy clothes you could possible find, probably a run away and hadn’t had the time to check her appearance, or she just casually looked like that all the time. “watch it you pratt” I spat at her, leaving her knocked to the floor, I truly felt sorry for her, but I didn’t know how to react to such a person as herself, her stunning green eyes floating back into my head, staring at me, as if they were sad puppy dog eyes. When I got back to the apartment, all eyes were on me, waiting for my next move, they were all curious at my behavior before this morning but now they were more cautious as if I could snap at any given moment, which could be likely, but not at the moment.

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