chapter 8

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Camille 's POV

Brian was moved onto the couch when I came out again, the blood all cleaned up and no remains left. Freddiesat in a recliner covered in a cool sweat, Tamarah was in the kitchen getting some tea and josie was by brian side on the floor, holding his hand. She was whispering to him, constantly talking. So that obviously answered my question on whether he was conscious or not, because the way she yelled for john before the doctor came sounded like he was dead. The door suddenly opened, we all lifted out heads other than brian, there standing in the doorway, disgust across his face for some unknown reason. He just stared at us all, as if nothing had happened, he shut the door, and not slamming it and making it shake on its hinges, just simply shutting the door normally. He walked over to the medical cabinet, jo whispered into brains ear, probably telling him Roger was back, before she got up and leant against the counter.

 “bit late for those don’t you think”

 She stated as Roger got his medication, he really wasn’t bothered for her yelling at him, it looked as though he was already sober without his medication, though he took it anyway, swallowing it without any water.

 “whats it to do with you when I take my medication”

He retorted, walking away from jo, most possibly going to wonder off to his room which wouldn’t surprise me, or really any of us, but jo wanted to talk to him, more like tell him off for what he has done to brian.


 She bellowed at him, running after him, she practically had a death wish for him it seemed by the way she was acting. John and Freddieintersected her death plot of Rogers and pulled her away from Roger.

“what are you going to do, poke me”

He chortled, that was not the right thing to say to her, she wasn’t in her right mind at the moment and practically anything has the ability to set her off if anything happens to brian, he was her world and she didn’t want to loose him.

 “more like rip your throat out, how dare you do that to brian. PUSH HIM INTO A GLASS TABLE BECAUSE HE GAVE YOU HIS OPPINION! What was going through your mind”

she yelled at him, brian had hold of her hand again, Roger had no emotion, he knew he deserved what was happening, all this yelling and hate, and her want to kill him.

“your asking me, what was going through my mind… how nice of you, I was thinking of everyone’s hate for me and their utter disgrace for the music I create and everyone’s lack of excitement when I have a new composition, but if someone like Fredor brian make a new piece its like the world is saved from what people call my garbage… id really like to see you try rip my throat out by the way”

Roger replied simply, no expression, no nothing, just plainly speaking to her whilst he stood motionless of a couple of steps leading up to the higher level of the apartment to his room.

“oh yeah”

Jo replied with enthusiasm and instantly jumped up and would have bolted over to Roger and done so, if it weren’t for the fact that Brian had reluctantly grabbed her hand, his eyes were now suddenly open.

 “just leave him alone”

Brian calmly said, as if the fact that he had just been pushed into a glass table by Roger didn’t worry him, as if he had instantly forgave Roger for his actions.

 “he isn’t worth it”

Brian murmured to what he thought was himself, Roger got up to his room and span around, walking over to the banister looking down at us, especially josie.

“id listen to him jo, he may be right”

 He said cooly, agreeing with brains comment about him, referring himself to a soulless, spineless creature, no feeling, no nothing, just an empty body and nothing else to it. He shut his door behind him, though what went on in that room no one knew, all we heard was the smashing of shattering glass, but we let him be. Josie went back to sitting next to Brian and Tamarah came out with hot tea in a kettle and a stack of cups. John held me in his arms, embracing me and kissed my forehead.

 “I love you Camille, don’t ever change”

He said before taking a cup of tea into his hands and drinking it without a complaint. I don’t want anything like that to every happen with us and the band, to have practically everyone hate us, though I don’t hate Roger for what he did, his reaction seemed somewhat reasonable, though it wasn’t really, seeing as john has less contribution than what he does and he doesn’t go smashing people through inanimate objects.

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