chapter 14

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Brian POV

We were walking down the sidewalk like a bunch of mad men, our arms slung on eachothers shoulders, supporting everyones weight. Roger rambling to himself, randomly breaking away occasionally and bashing his hand on anything he could find, his words making no sense what so ever, gradually getting louder as we continued walking.

“Show me the way to go home I'm tired and I want to go to bed”

he belted out, yelling out as loud as he could, it was deafeningly high, going to make all the dogs go mental. What the bloody hell was he going on about.

“stop it you girl”

Freddie said, interrupting, we started swaying,becoming off balance. John not really minding and going with the flow of our idiocy, singing down an empty street close to midnight, he was never shy when hung over this badly and in the company of us.

“I had a little drink about an hour agoAnd it's gone right to my head”

Roger lamented, dazed as he stuttered on some of the words. And to his head it had gone, singing was contagious for us all, and he bloody well knew it, especially for Fred, you get us all drunk at the same time and you wish that you had never offered us that first drink.

“Everywhere I roam Over land or sea or foam”

John sung, it was very rare to hear him sing, Roger went to the side, finding a bin and bashing his hands on it, thinking it was a drum, if any of us are to get badly injured from this behaviour it would be Roger, he was way over his limit, he never got this bad.

“You can always hear me singing this song Show me the way to go home.”

I sung the end of the song, well what i thought to be the end of the song, john the moron he currently is, had to start the band wagon back up, singing the first line again. Roger joining it and his dog whistle voice penetrating the ears of all of us, i opened on of the doors to our apartment and walked in, the rest not too far behind.

I was thinking of how nice it would be to have a couch magically appear, so we can all crash and take everyone one in the surrounding apartment from their misery off hearing our horrible out of tone voices singing this dim-witted song.

“you ho and a bottle of rum”

Roger sad finally reashing the stairs, way behind me, he must have broke away from the rest of us loony bags. He was grappling onto the railing for his dear life, his life support from pummelling to the floor.Fredstopped, waiting for Roger, me and john continuing, we just about finished the first flight of many stairs to come, the way we’re going we’ll be old men by the time we actually reach the door of our apartment.

“so Rog-er darling... ‘hic-up’ .... how your week be-en”

Freddie attempted to say flawlessly, though failing, being interrupted by hiccupping every no and again. I don’t think Roger completely knows we were with him, in his eyes we were probably just  crazy maniacs joining him for the fun.

We were all drunk beyond repair, i wont disagree with that, i cant it completely factual and there is bucket loads of evidence to prove that point, but we are defiantly not as wasted as Roger, he had just kissed a girl for gods sake, a complete stranger, the alcohol for sure toying with his brain tonight.

“you know, same old, shooting people in the head by night, spending my days with you guy, writing new songs... WHICH IM REALLY EXCITED ABOUT!!!”

He said, exclaiming the last part, ruffling his fingers through his hair and continued walking up the stairs, his arm slung over Freds shoulder. Wait... what was that, shooting people in the head, what the bloody hell was he going on about, i could see john was thinking the same, he looked at me questionably before stopping in his tracks looking down at the two, i was too deprived to get to bed so i continued on my way.

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