chapter 18

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Kyrie POV

I fiddled with my keys whilst trying the door to my room, it was so damn cold. I walked in, turned the light on and instantly went over to the thermostat turning it on, trying to warm this damn room up, it was colder in this blast room than it the restaurant i was in, and it was outside, this is ridiculous.

Nat ended up pulling out, she had spent the whole day with john, it was good to see her legit happy, i haven’t seen her this content like she is now since that assbutt left her for some creep. John was nice, he would never treat her, or anyone at that the way he had treated her, she deserved to have someone like john, someone who actually cares for her for who she is.

I threw the remaining thai, that i asked to be put in a container so i can have it tomorrow, into the fridge. Though i probably wouldn’t end up eating it, work does that to me, i get really lazy with food when i have to work. I grabbed a quilt out of the linen closet and threw it into my room, this apartment only had three rooms, so i couldn’t get lost that easily.

I was home early, but i couldn’t feel bothered staying up, the tv was fuzzy and there wasn’t much else i could do, so what better than to go to bed. I made the bed, though it wasn’t much of a bed, only a matress on the floor, but i couldn’t complain, at least i wasn’t sleeping on the floor, and anywhere was better than where i was.

I turned the light off and lit a candle and fell onto the matress, only to realise after i did so that it neither was comfortable nor successful in saving my fall, the matress was practically dead and i could feel the floor with my back when i fell. Though it wasn’t as dead as the pillow, the down within it had practically worn away, nothing really remained, just the material that contained it within and the pillow case i had put on myself.

I grabbed a book and some chocolate out of my secret stash  and began reading with the soft sound of queen music of queen playing above me, these people have some decent taste, i had to give it to them, i could never go off at them for playing their music, which was a shame because i always enjoyed doing that.

The book was boring me, its not that i didn’t like the book, i loved it, its just i have read it a million times, the same thing just gets boring when you read it over and over again, it becomes far to predictable, and no there is no point in really reading it if you already know what is going to happen.

I ended up crashing while listening to great king rat, rogers high raspy falcetto voice playing within my head as i dozed off, never leaving, as if though it were on repeat, and i wasn’t arguing, it was such a beautiful voice, though not many liked it, but i did, i absolutely loved it.


I woke up with music blasting above me, the candle was flickering and annoying my sight. It was dying so i blew it out, leaving myself consumed within the darkness. The music hadn’t stopped playing, in the beginning it was alright, now it was just plain annoying, im tired and bothered, and have work today.

I got up, my arms spread out trying to find my way to the door in the dark, epic fail. I fell over something in the process, smashing my face into the floor. I lifted my face up and wiggled my nose, trying to get feeling back. I felt and tasted blood within my mouth, great, just what i need. My head started to throb, brilliant job me, just brilliant. 

Lifting myself up, i swatted the wall, finding the light switch and turning it on. The vacuum, of all things to leave out, i fell over the damn vacuum, im seriously going to throw that old thing over the balcony.

I walked into the kitchen, looking for a glass to fill with water for me to drink. I heard something dripping onto the linoleum, thats odd, i haven’t left any of the taps on, i looked down to see red pools of blood, great. I stood up, glass in hand and ran to the bathroom for the mirror.

“Smegging hell”

I cursed aloud, examining my upper lip. My teeth had went through my lip, straight through, no wonder i could taste blood. I grabbed some toilet paper and dabbed the blood away, though that didn’t work, blood just kept coming back, and the taste was revolting.

I filled the glass and rinsed my mouth, and threw the remains over my face and grabbed the hand towel and a flannel and dampened it and held it to my lip, letting it soak up as much of my blood as it could.

I began to get dizzy from the blood, i wasn’t one keen on the sight at it, it tends to make me nauseous, but that’s only if it is my own, in horror movies and what not im fine with, just mine not so much.

I walked out onto the balcony to give myself some fresh air, to release all the thoughts running through my head of the sight of blood. I sat on the chair out there, laying my head back and looking at the night sky. The city lights slowly turning off, though the few random ones stayed on.

March of the black queen came on from the room above me, tonights just going to get worse and worse isn’t it. Its not that i don’t like the song, its one of my favourites, its the fact that they now began to sing along to it, and they sounded like a bunch of drunks ruining the song. Someone began to sing rogers high falcetto, now i was going to go hit someone in the head for just ruining that part of my favourite song.

I got up and tried to hit the ceiling, though im too short to even reach it, even when standing on a chair i cant even touch it. I threw the flannel in the sink fed up with being awake, and grabbed some paracetamol out of my bag, i was that lazy i hadn’t even unpacked fully. I gulped it down, choking on it at first because i was in haste and took it without water but then i just shoved my head under the tap, not bothered to go and get the cup.

I went back to bed, curling back up into a ball, grabbing the pillow and wrapping it around my head to try and suffocated them from the noise being able to penetrate through to them, their singing was horrible, and stomping against the floor had begun aswell as clapping.

The paracetamol began to kick in, i felt myself slowly falling asleep, the noise of the hullabaloo above me getting quieter and quieter as time went by, surrounding me with just the beautiful real noise of rogers voice, i smiled to myself as i fell back asleep with nothing to worry about and no horrible singing to keep me awake, instead with that stunning voice of non other than rogers himself, accompanied with flashbacks of the past two days i had seen him, but most of all, that memory of when he was drunk and had kissed me.

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