chapter 10

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Brian POV- Roger walked out the door, covered by his trench coat and his sandy blonde hair which could belong to a golden Labrador hidden by the hood of his coat. Why could he go out when he pleased, but I was left here, to recover from the damage he has caused to me, I don’t hate him for what he did, I know I angered it and fully deserved what I got, but I just wish I could go out when I pleased, but there was always something to stop me, rehearsals, writing a composition, contributing to new releases, gigs, concerts, the list goes on, but one thing that never stops me is being with Josie. I started to get up, though my body was aching I had to persevere with the pain, it was going to only get worse before it got any better. I stalked off into my room, hoping jo didn’t spot me getting up and walking, though knowing her she knew, she was such a sneaky girl, always knowing what was going on. I closed the bedroom door behind me quietly trying not to draw attention to myself, and walked over to the wardrobe, I looked like hell. I grabbed a coat out, and a slightly better shirt than the one I was wearing and changed it, much better, now I can leave. I felt someone’s presence in the room, watching every move I took. “Where do you think you’re going?” Someone whispered into my ear, it was none other than Josie herself, imagine that. Even though I knew it was her, she still managed to scare the bejebus out of me. “Just down the road for a while” I replied, spinning her around and bringing her into an embrace, she threw her hands around my neck. She put on her puppy dog eyes, she knew I couldn’t resist her when she pulled a face like that, I had too look away to keep my mind on track, I needed some alone time. MORE IN COMMENTS!!

“but I don’t want you to go” She whined, letting her arms fall to her side from being around my neck. I hated it when she acted like this, she knew it would work, but not tonight, any other day I would gladly stay here with her, but not tonight, I needed to clear my head. “you shouldn’t even be going out, especially alone, look at the condition Roger has left you in” She said, intertwining her fingers within mine, and swaying her arm. She was trying very hard to convince me to stay, that much was evident, pulling the whole whining and puppy dog eyes in the same 5 minutes, she really didn’t want me to leave her. “I will only be out for an hour or so, and ill be fine” I told her. She looked up at me, staring at me dead in the eye, as if saying a sarcastic ‘seriously’ but that thought soon disappeared, and she just looked into my eyes, I swear everyone could read me as though I were an open book. “promise?” She asked, her eyes glaring up at me. I leant my forehead against hers, looking her back into her eyes and fiddling with a lock of her jet black hair, twirling it around my finger and releasing the curl though it instantly went back to being straight, unlike mine that always stayed the same, curly fluffy black hair that stuck out practically everywhere and unable to keep under control. “Have I ever lied to you” I asked rhetorically, she knew the answer as well as what I did, I trusted her more than anything, just as she trusted me with more than she can think of. I cupped her face in my hand, and whispered into her ear. “I love you jo” I told her before I kissed her forehead. I took her hand and grabbed my coat and walked to the apartment’s front door. I reached for the handle to open the door,but before I left she pinned me against the wall, standing up on her tip toes to reach up to my height and kissed me, the soft flesh of her lips pressed against mine, the sensation uncanny. “I love you more” She told me, before letting me exit out the door. She ran to the side of the barrier and lent down, watching me walk down the stairs making sure I made it down to the outside.

 “Brian!” She yelled down to me, just as I was about to enter the dark night. I pulled back and looked up at her, a smile across her face. Seeing her smile like that was one of the best feelings, seeing her happy with no worries. “yes?” I asked calling up to her, leaning my head back, all the curls of my hair flopping back, it was truly annoying, even when walking it just bounced along, if I had my way id cut it all off but everyone disagreed. “be back soon please.” She pleaded, blowing my a kiss. I extended my arm and closed my hand as if I caught it. I brought in my closed fist and laid it against my heart, she was a beautiful girl, must be why I love her so much. “of course” I told her, smiling up towards her. She giggled, the noise of her voice echoing throughout the stairwell, it stayed within my head even when I walked out into the starless dark night of the street outside out apartment.

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