chapter 23

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Tamarah POV

David Bowie.... David freaking Bowie, his party was bloody amazing, i spent most of the time picking at food, randomly getting hungry, i sure hope this doesn’t last long these random moods of eating is really annoying.

Freddie didn’t leave my side, being over protective of me, he always was but now even more so, i wasn’t even aloud to have a little drink, David had passed me over a drink and he took it straight out of my hands, i didn’t even get a sip.

I began to fall asleep on freddies shoulder, he realised how exhausted i was, it had been a long day, so much had happened and wore me out, im surprised i am still awake.

“come one, were going to go”

He whispered into my ear, linking my arm with his and walking over to the alcoholic table of drinks where roger consumed himself trying a range of various drinks he probably has never had before, trust roger to do something like that, he was going to be awefully hung over come tomorrow.

“bu- but... but i haven’t finished drinking.”

He whinged, Freddie didn’t complained and just walked off, me by his side, we were all taking a limo, if he missed it he had to find his own way. Rog came bounding behind us, a plastic cup in hand, and stumbling over his feet.

John was somewhat still sober though he had quiet alot to drink, the only one who i don’t think had touched more than two was Brian, he had his arm across Jo’s shoulder, pulling her as close as he could to him.

Roger picked up his fur coat that could be mistaken for a pillow and threw it around his shoulders, Freddie grabbed his on but put it around me instead of himself.

“im sure its chilly outside dear”

He said, pulling me close to his side, i could honestly drop dead right now, i am that exhausted, i couldn’t wait to get some sleep, and be in a nice warm bed with a soft heavenly pillow and just sleep like there was no tomorrow.

The valet attendant opened the door to the limo, the guys hopped in then Freddie helping me into the limo, his hand extended out, this was so sweet of him, but it was really starting to annoy me, in a couple of months i wouldn’t mind, but now when im still able to do everything it was just preposterous.

I took his hand anyway, not wanting to hurt his feelings or anything. Jo and brian were on the same side as us, and roger and john on the other side, roger looked as though he had no clue where he was nor where he was going.

“umm, guys, jo and i have an announcement to make”

Brian said out of no where, he had hold of her hand and she was smiling like crazy. Roger was staring out a window; of all times he chose to make an announcement he had to choose now when everyone was practically drunk.

Freddie said, moving his hand from around my shoulder down to my stomach. He was still overally excited about the fact about us becoming parents, i elbowed him and he moved his hand away reluctantly back to my shoulder.

“what is it darlings”

Freddie said, now captivated in what they wanted to say. I told him we aren’t telling anyone about the baby till a couple of weeks, till everything has settled down. Brian and Josie were arguing over who was going to say what their big announcement was.

“we are engaged”

They said simutaniously, giving up on who was going to tell us, deciding to say it together. John clapped, and roger joining in, not knowing what he was doing, just going with the flow so he didn’t seem left out.


Freddie said, jo showing me her ring, it was stunningly beautiful, it gleamed in the passing lights. Then the snogging began, i laid back on freddies shoulder and he kissed the top of my head, i curled into the side of him, he wrapped his free arm around me, his arm resting on my stomach inconspicuously.

“heyy john”

Roger suddenly said, he was probably going to comment on how pretty the lights outside were, i closed my eyes, the swaying of turns making me dizzy, i pressed the button to slightly wind down the window to let in some cool air.


He replied, i wasn’t expecting him to reply to roger, who knows what he was going to end up saying now, thats the thing, when roger is as drunk as this you just simply ignore him, he wont know, unless he is on boarder line, then he will persist in you to answer him.

“maybe we should just kiss, just to break the tension.”

Roger blurted out loud, my eyes flew open and i sat bolt upright, had i just heard correctly in what roger had just said to john... kiss him? Brian and Jo broke apart aswell, obviously hearing in what roger had just said aswell.


Fred, brian and john himself said together, not believing their ears. I couldn’t help laughing my head off, Josie joining in herself. Never in a million years would i ever think roger would say a thing as eerie as what he had just said.

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