chapter 6

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Josie's POV-

 I woke up to the noise of something smashing, I kept my eyes shut, the noise of something smashing wasn’t something I should worry about, it was probably just Freddie dropping his mug of tea. It’s happened quiet often lately, Roger coming up behind him and scaring the daylights out of him. A door slammed.

‘Just the wind’

 I thought to myself, it was practically impossible to get back to sleep, the amount of noise this early in the morning was unbelievable.


 I muttered loud enough for him to hear, and rolled over to face him. But there was no usual reply of ‘morning beautiful’. I opened my eyes to find a pillow in his space.


 I heard someone yell, then there was a loud thump against the floor, something wasn’t right, all this smashing and crashing wasn’t usual, a slight smash would have been but this morning wasn’t. I got up and walked out of the room in one of brains baggy t-shirts and a pair of my shorts. I found Freddieon the ground, ghost white, so he wasn’t the one to drop his tea, I carefully walked around him and out into the lounge room.

Though once in the room I wish I wasn’t, john was on the phone and Brian was smashed through the thick sheet of glass of the coffee table, blood trickling onto the floor, shards of tainted glass my his blood beside him, and a lot still jutting out from his arms.


 I yelled, running over to him, avoiding the glass and sat beside him, running my fingers through his curly hair. His face, white as a ghost, lost its colour.


he asked questionably, his voice faint, and raspy. I was no doctor, but it was clearly evident that he was losing a lot of blood quickly and it wasn’t good for him.

“The doctor will be here in 10 minutes max”

 john stated aloud, slamming the phone in the jack, he crouched down beside me, his face in his hands; he was practically going mental at the sight.

“Freddie’s on the floor, he fainted, probably at the sight of brian”

 I said calmly, wishing I could do something, anything to help brian, but I could only sit there, watch his blood slowly escaping from him, leaving him lifeless.

“it’s the blood, he has always been faint at the sight of blood.”

 John muttered through his hands, it was bugging him to see Brian like this. Being so helpless and not being able to do anything to make the situation better was just killing us both.

 “go back to Camille john, he will be alright”

 I told him, he didn’t need to see Brian like this, it was bad enough I had to see him like this, but I have always told him I’ll always be there for him, and I’m not one to back down from my word.

“I know, but will you?”

 He asked, I looked at him, his hands were away from his face and looking in the direction of me, all I could do was nod my head, frightened I would break down in tears, I didn’t know what to expect from a situation like this. For all I knew, he could… could… no I mustn’t think like that, he was going to be alright, he was going to strive through this like anything else.


He said, getting up and walking off to his room. I looked down at Brian; the blood flowing out of him was slowing down. He looked up at me, though not saying anything, lost for words I guess, unable to explain how he got in this state.

“what happened?”

I asked him, he gave a kind of smirk then sighed heavily, as if saying it was a long story. I didn’t care; I just wanted to hear him talk, to reassure me he was alright. Brian looked up at me, his eyes were completely blank.


 His managed to say. That wasn’t unpredictable, the way he has been acting lately, I wouldn’t doubt that he was the one to cause all of this. I looked down into his eyes, they were completely blank and rolling into the back of his head… what the hell is going on.


I yelled, I didn’t know what to do, he was still breathing which is a good thing. But he was dead silent and slightly shaking, which was a bit weird, the silent isn’t, he is the quietest person I have ever met, it was the shaking I was worried about, and the glass. I heard the door slam open, john bolted out and Camille a few steps behind. John rushed over to brian picking up his wrist, he nodded to himself.

“he has fainted, which I suppose isn’t uncommon with the amount of blood he has lost”

 John said, not long after he had finished his predicament there was a loud knock on the apartment door. Camille ran over and opened it, also directing the doctors over to brian. I was practically shooed away, though against my will. John kept close to me, I cried into his shoulder, it wasn’t nice to see brian in the state he is in, absolute hell, and no one should ever have to go through it.

Anger begun to bottle in me as I saw brian cringing in pain as the doctors tried to move brian away from the majority of the glass to observe him better. Roger is going to regret he ever touched brian, I could smash him through three walls if I really wanted to at the moment, serves him right to coward away from what he has just done.

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