Chapter 11

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Tris' P.O.V.

I walk down the hall still confused. Why did I ever think Four and I could be friends? I get my stuff for 1st period. After that I head to homeroom.

My group is already there. Same as Four's. The difference is that we sit by each other now.

"Hey guys!" I say as I sit in my seat. No one says anything.

"Ummm...okay? Hey girls, do you want to hang and have a girls day after school?"

Still nothing. Seriously, what did I do!?

Everyone starts up a random conversation that they were having when I walked in. I sit and listen. Every once in awhile I would say something and they would ingore me. This is going to be a long day!

----------time lapse----------

It's now lunch time and everyone is still ignoring me. I sit down at my lunch table and finally someone says something.

"Why are you sitting here?" Christina says.

"Because I'm your friend and I always sit here?" I am so confused.

" flash....we're not friends with you anymore. We don't want to be your next victim." With that they get up and move to another lunch table. What do they mean by 'victim'. I didn't do anything!

I sit in my own little world where everything is always okay. Well most of the time. Know what I mean? Like in your head it's your own thoughts, own ideas, nothing can go wrong again....most of the time. No one judges you for something you say, you can think about anything about anyone and no one cares, and my can wish yourself off to nowhere and have your own conversation with yourself.

But then again...your mind can also be worse
than out in the real world. Like when your home alone and you hear a noise and you have no ideas where it came from. So your mind goes 100 different directions. You think the worst things. Like that someone's watching you or is after you. Then the next thing you know your on your bed rocking back and forth, holding your old stuff animal or blanket with the door locked. To the side of you is a baseball bat just in case. After a while you realize it was the was the wind blowing the trees back and forth.

Other times it's your thinking place. Where you think of what you did wrong. Like...all of your best friends suddenly hate you. Well, that's me right now.

My thoughts are interrupted by Drew, Al, and Eric.

"Hey babe," Eric says. "Can we sit with you? Our table got taken by Four's group. Plus you look like you need to talk."

"Ya whatever. I don't need to talk. And don't call me babe." I say.

They sit down and have a conversation while I'm on my phone making a list of random things I could have done wrong.

List of things that could have made my friends mad.

1. New attitude
2. Looks/bad breathe
3. Insulted their fandom
4. Offended them in some way
5. Act fake

Once again my thoughts get interrupted, but this time by the bell signaling class. Great! Math! At least I only have Four, Zeke and Marlene in this class.

Okay chapter 11. Please tell me how you guys like the story.

Shout out to dauntless_oncer. If it wasn't for her I would have to rewrite the chapter. Also go check out her divergent high story.

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