✾chapter two✾

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• [2nd Persons P.O.V] •

You walked out of the coffee shop and towards your house. Halfway to your house you felt your phone buzz in your pocket; panicking it was from you mother asking where you were you checked it immediately, however it was from Light.

From: Unknown
Hey Y/N, it's me, Light Yagami - the guy from the coffee shop :)

You smiled back and replied back.

To: Unknown
Hey Light! I remember your name, don't worry. I'm just walking home now, it's quite cold out.

From: Light
Yeah, well it is November, what do you expect. Thank you for buying me another coffee although you really didn't need to.

To: Light
I didn't want it to go to waste, and it was my fault anyway for making you uneasy. I shouldn't of been staring..

From: Light
You was staring? I didn't notice, aha.

To: Light
Oh... Yeah, I saw you staring at me too, but I was intrigued by you, because you seem sweet and you wanted to stare but I could tell that you didn't want to for being polites sake...

From: Light
Yeah, I didn't want you to think I was some sort of creep.

To: Light
Don't worry :') anyway I have to go finish an essay for college that's due in tomorrow.

From: Light
Okay! I'll message you later, bye Y/N xx

You got to your house and unlocked the door, closing it quietly behind you. Your parents were at work, so it was nice and quiet for you to be able to concentrate on your essay. After getting yourself F/F (favourite food) and F/D (favourite drink) you marched upstairs to your room. Throwing your phone on your bed and placing your food and drink on either side of your computer desk, you sat down and got the notes out of your bag. Turning your computer on, you started humming to yourself whilst re-reading your assignment, nodding to yourself in the progress.

Hours passed, and with a couple of breaks, you had finished your assignment. Your parents still weren't home, but that was normal. Looking at the clock it was 8pm, you yawned and stretched before grabbing your phone and seeing that Light had sent you a text message.

From: Light
Hey you, how's your assignment going? I know it's Friday tomorrow, so would you like to hang out after school or something? Let me know yeah! X

"He's adorable..." You muttered to yourself, before replying a simple 'yeah sure' back. You went downstairs and made yourself a sandwich and some crisps and got yourself a drink of Earl Grey tea before making your way back upstairs.

After you finished eating, you lay on your bed when your phone buzzed, smiling you reached for it off the nightstand and looked at the message. Light.

From: Light
Great! I'll meet you in the coffee shop about 4:30?

To: Light
Yeah that's fine with me, see you then! :-)

You looked at your clock and saw it was now 9pm, you climbed out of bed and put your pyjamas on. You had no sleep the previous night, all because you couldn't stop having a horror movie marathon, so you were determined to make up for it now. After you got your pyjamas on and brushed your teeth, you climbed into bed and wrapped yourself up in your douvet thinking of that handsome weirdo you met in the coffee shop. Light Yagami.

Sorry, sucky chapter
So much going on atm
Hope this chapter is okay with you guys!
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