✾chapter thirteen✾

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•[2nd Persons P.O.V]•

"God you're so perfect," Light smirked as he lay on his side caressing your stomach.

"I am not you big doof," you laughed at him.

"No honestly you are, I'm glad I met you in the coffee shop," he smiled sincerely.

"Me too," you smiled. Time passed before you opened your mouth again to speak. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Light asked, confused.

"How do you kill all those people, how do you make them have a heart attack?" You asked curiously, facing him on your side.

"I have this book, it's called a Death Note," he explained. He told you all about it. How times of death can be manipulated, and how it works. How you need a face to a name, because a lot of people share the same names.

"Can I see this Death Note?" you asked shyly. You were intrigued definitely, slightly scared, but intrigued.

"Of course, come with me," he smiled getting out of bed and walking to his desk. He skilfully opened his draw to reveal and black book that basically said 'Death Note' in white writing. "Touch it..." (tehehe, you will be later XD). You reached your hand out to touch the black book and squealed when you saw a huge creature in front of your face.

"Hi!" It smiled hugely.

"What?!" You screeched quietly, jumping into Light's arms. He embraced you and kissed your head.

"It's okay," he cooed. "This Ryuk. Ryuk, this is Y/N."

"Pleasure to meet you!" Ryuk smiled.

"L-Likewise??" you asked politely and rhetorically.

"He's shinigami, he dropped this book," Light explained.

"Do you like apples?" Ryuk asked floating besides you.

"Yeah, I mean, kind of," you replied raising an eyebrow at Light confused.

"He likes apples, a lot. He eats them all the time," Light smirked.

"Does he always follow you?"

"Pretty much, I mean not all the time but most times. If I say leave me alone he'll leave," Light said wrapping his arms around you. "Only people who touch the book can see him."

"I can't believe you have a God of Death on your side..." you whispered looking Ryuk up and down consistently.

"Actually," Ryuk sparked up. "I'm on no ones side. It's just, that's my death note, so I kinda need to stay by it. It's not up to me how people use it and it's not up to me to stop them."

"Oh," was all you could say. "Could I... maybe help?"

"Help?" Light asked.

"Can I help you, being Kira I mean?" You stuttered, would he actually let you? Did you want to? Of course you did!

"You want to be my queen?" He rephrased. You figured that's what it meant anyway.

"Yes," you replied extremely fast.

"Are you sure?" Light asked, pushing you on to the bed. "Once you start you can't stop, and I'm not going to let you leave me."

"I'm sure Light," you whispered as you grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss so passionate he didn't know what to do for a few seconds. His eyes widened and a grin dared to spread across his face as he kissed back suddenly.

"Then welcome to the team, my queen," he whispered into your lips.

2 updates in one day?
It's like I'm making up for lost time or something!
Just reminding you, Light isn't using you, he loves you. You're his world, but bare in mind, both of you are insane.
That'll come to show in the next few chapters.
Sending my love and luck to you all!
-K x

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