✾chapter ten✾

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•[2nd Persons P.O.V]•

"So Y/N, Light's told us a lot about you," Lights mum smiled, "you're very gorgeous and you seem perfect for Light."

"T/Thank you, Mrs Yagami," you smiled sheepishly, looking at Light through the {bangs/fringe/strands} of hair that had now covered your face. Light grasped your hand under the table, giving it a slight, yet reassuring, squeeze. Basically just telling you that his mother, father and sister were loving you.

"So Y/N, how old are you?" Lights father asked, raising an eyebrow between his son and you.

"I erm," you looked at Light, unsure of whether to tell them that you're 17 while Light is 20. He nodded and you smiled slight, "I'm 17 sir."

"17?" His father asked, nodding slowly. He looked at his wife for support, clearly not liking the fact that you were 3 years younger than his son.

"Y-Yeah," you whimpered, noticing the uncertainty in his eyes.

"Oh father!" Light sighed. "It's no big deal!"

"If you get her pregnant Light I swear-" that did it. You were taking a sip of your water that had been placed before you to try and seem less awkward, however as soon as Light's father said those words; you spat it out.

"I-I am so sorry!" You stuttered. Sayu stood up and giggled.

"Don't worry Y/N!" She smiled. "It's fine, here," she handed you a cloth to wipe yourself down and the little droplets you got on the table. You hung your head in embarrassment while Lights mum was scolding his father.

"Are you okay?" Light asked, concerned at how your head was in your hands. He placed his arm around your waist and gave you a lingering peck on the cheek that he was still giving you when his mother had turned her attention back to you and her son.

"Y/N darling, are you okay?" She asked, cocking her eyebrow at Light who just looked coldly towards his father.

"Yes Mrs Yagami I'm fine," you said, managing to pull your face up from your hands and give her a sorry look. "I'm really, really sorry about before! It's just, Mr Yagami shocked me and I just-"

"Y/N, hey, slow down it's fine," Light whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to it.

"I apologise for my outburst before," his father spoke, not looking at Light. He wasn't sorry for his outburst, as much as he thought you were a lovely girl and would treat Light with the respect he deserved, he knew what teenagers were like. He knew that you and Light would share many intimate moments together if you hadn't already (yoU haVENT calM doWN), and the possibility of his son throwing his future away for sex made him angry and disappointed.

"Mr Yagami, you don't need to apologise, I see where you're coming from. But you have nothing to fear. I promise. I want to focus on my career and wait until marriage before doing anything of that sort of nature," you looked to Mr Yagami, earning a respected smile. However Lights eyes burnt into the back of your head. Lights feelings were severely true for you, but waiting until marriage for sex? (THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!!!) he wouldn't know if he'd be able to do it. He had difficulty keeping his hands off you already, and if he proposed now... well, you'd say no for sure because it would be WAY too quick and his parents (his father mainly) would be furious.

"Marriage?" Light asked. Everyone looked at him. You, his father, his mother, his sister and ever Ryuk who was in the corner waiting for his apple.

"Yes Light, marriage," his father said sternly.

"OH for goodness sake," Mrs Yagami cried out, glaring at her husband. "They are both adults! They can do what they want and if that means, that thing, well then let them. Might I remind you how old we were?"

"No-" he started.

"Yes Mum, you should. How old were you?" Light asked, a devilish smirk played on his face.

"15 son," she replied. Light chuckled and so did you. You didn't want to wait until marriage for sex, but you didn't mind. You wanted Lights parents to like you, and if that meant giving up petty things for a few years - you could do that.

"Father, Mother," Light interrupted. "We will do what we want, when we want." He squoze your hand, BUTTERFLIES erupting in your stomach. Surely he wasn't thinking about that already was he? Was he???

Hope this okay you guys
Sorry it's a bit long, got a little carried away!!!!!!!
I apologise but I do update when I have time.
Light will be becoming a little more obsessed/Yandere/pSychotic with you now over the next few chapters.
He loves you though<3
I love you too! Thank you for being so patient with me!!!<3

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