✾chapter four✾

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• [Light's P.O.V] •

I reached my own home, sighing contemptly as I walked in to a quiet house. "Light dear, is that you?" my mums voice came from the kitchen.

"Yeah mother," I replied. "It's me."

"So Light, Sayu said she saw you in the coffee shop with a girl not long ago," my mum smiled at me as I sat down at the kitchen table. "Who is she? Is she your girlfriend?"

"N-No!" I stuttered quickly, I felt a blush spread across my face. "I spilt coffee on me the other day and she bought me a new coffee..."

"Aweh!" Mother cooed, smiling sweetly at me. "Tell me a bit about her deary."

"Her name is Y/N. She's 17 and has beautiful H/L H/C hair and majestic E/C eyes," I whispered, pouring myself a cup of hot cocoa.

"You need to invite her over for dinner one night," My mum smiled sweetly and sat down next to me. "I'd love to meet her. She's got you all, how do I put it, hot and bothered."

"Mum," I sighed. "We aren't dating. We only met the other day."

"But you just met up with her? For a date? And you're obviously smitten with this Y/N," My mum smiled, placing a hand on mine.

"Mum. You're making it sound like we're childhood friends!" I exclaimed, blowing on my hot drink.

"Well, I'm just saying. You've worked hard, with college and the Task Force on the Kira case... You deserve a woman in your life," she replied standing up. "I felt the same about your father when I first met him - now we're married with 2 beautiful and successful children."

"Woah mother! Children already!?" I gasped, my mother was taking this friendship to the next level and beyond.

"I need grandchildren Light," mother whined.

"Mother stop," I said nervously. "Anyway... I'm going upstairs, to watch T.V."

"Alright Light. Dinner will be another hour so I'll shout you when it's ready," my mum called to me as I shut the door.

"Light," Ryuk stated. "Where's my apple?"

"I'll get it for you after dinner," I scowled, pulling my phone out and texting Y/N saying hey.

"Light. I can tell you like this girl," Ryuk started. "She likes you too you know, I can go over to her house for the night and see if she talks about you at all?"

"No Ryuk! That's just perverted," i snapped.

"Oh yeah like you care Mr Saint," he mocked, causing me to cock up an eyebrow. "If you can't see me it doesn't mean I'm not round here; so when you started touching yourself when you got home after first meeting her it made me realise that maybe it is you who is the pervert."

"Why would you watch that!" I growled. Ryuk shrugged and laughed manically. "Stupid Shinigami."

"Just ask her out again Light, she likes you aswell, just please. It makes me sick seeing how loved up you are-"

"Ryuk it's literally been what, 2 days since we met? I'm not in love," I snorted, checking my phone for any replies, but there was none.

"Love at first sight Light Yagami," the Shinigami that only I could see smirked.

"Be careful Light. Jealousy will get the better of you," Ryuk snickered. He didn't care what happened as he stayed, in the Shinigami Realm, he was simply just bored.

"My jealousy is none of your concern," I snapped. My phone vibrated and I got a reply from Y/N.

Chapter 4
Hope this is okay; I couldn't think straight
5 votes and I'll update
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