✾chapter twenty-three✾

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• [2rd Persons P.O.V] •

"Y/N," Ryun said, scoping round your room. "All the cameras are gone."

"They are?!" You shrieked, smiling to yourself.

"Yes!" Ryuk said, doing one last scope. Your phone began to ring almost immediately and you answered it.

"Y/N?" Lights voice spoke on the other end. "I'm coming over. Ryuk told me that all your cameras are gone so while he checks my room, I need to tell you stuff!" And with that he hung up, leaving you looking at the Shinigami in confusion, who just shrugged and flew away to probably check Lights house.

"Yeah she's just upstairs," your mum said softly to Light. You walked out your room to greet Light who smiled at your mum, but when he looked at you distress was obvious in his face.

"Come here," he gently grabbed your arm and you led him to your room. He sat on your bed and got something out his bag. "Take it, hide it, use it."

"The notebook?!" You asked excitedly. Light nodded.

"They're extremely on to me," Light whispered. "I know I can trust you to take care of it, but to do that I need to wipe my memory of the notebook-"

"What does that mean? How are you going to do that?" You asked concerned.

"I need to discard of ownership of the notebook," he replied. "That means you need to look after it. But I'm counting on you to try and make me touch this Death Note again in 3 days. That way my memories of the notebook will come back again."

"I don't understand," you said, slightly confused. "So you're not going to know that you're Kira?" He shook his head. "And you're not going to know I'm taking Kira's place for a while?" Again, he shook his head.

"Promise me you trust me enough to do this?" Light asked, with a demanding tone. Still holding the notebook towards you, you took it off him eyes widened and full of brightness.

Tearing your eyes away from the notebook to look at your boyfriend you nodded. "I promise," you smiled.

"I'm going to give up possession when I get home, and then it's yours. Besides Ryuk seems to spend more time with you anyway," Light chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well," you sucked in a breath of air. "I am a little nicer to him."

"Oh you," Light chuckled seeing the amusement on your face. "By the way, you didn't run into me and L at the coffee shop. I looked like a nervous wreck looking around for you! Where were you?"

"I am so so sorry I overslept!" You apologised, it is true, but you also completely forgot you were asked to do that just the night before

"It's okay I passed it off..." he trailed off and did comedic shifty eyes. "I think..."

"I'm sure you did," You laughed and patted his shoulder, getting up and placing the Death Note in your draw and shutting it. Your phone buzzed and you and Light looked at eachother and then at your phone.

"Who is it?" Light asked as you picked up the phone to read the text.

"L..." you gritted your teeth.

From: L
Fancy going for lunch? Xo

You showed Light and shuddered, the 'xo' on the end always got to you. "What are you going to put?" Light asked before you began typing your reply.

To: L
With Light sorry.

You pressed send and showed Light who giggled silently before his face changed when the incoming reply came through.

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