✾chapter eleven✾

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•[2nd Persons P.O.V]•

The meal was ate in uncomfortable silence and Lights hand gripping tightly at your thigh, reassuringly and yet nervingly at the same time. "How was dinner darling?" Mrs Yagami spoke up, smiling sweetly as she took your plate.

"It was delicious thank you Mrs Yagami," You replied, smiling shyly at her. Lights grip tightened on your thigh as he looked at your anxious expression.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she spoke as she entered the kitchen, Sayu following behind her.

"Let's go upstairs," Light smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me to the staircase only to be stopped by Mr Yagami.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking at Light with a stare so deadly that if looks could kill - he'd be dead.

"Me and Y/N are going upstairs," Light retorted.

"Why?" Mr Yagami questioned, staring you down uncomfortably, causing you to stare at the floor while Light continued to talk his way around his fathers angry glare.

"To have a private conversation," Light replied, shrugging slightly as he grasped your forearm slightly harder than you'd expect.

"Private conversation? Like what?"

"I-It's okay Light! I-I think I'll go home now anyway," you whispered, not wanting any confrontation.

"Y/N it's fine," Light smiled sweetly. "We're going upstairs for half an hour father, we wont do anything."

"Light Yagami if you do so help me, I'll kill you," his father threatened.

"Well, we won't so you wont have to kill me," Light replied, pushing his father lightly aside and grabbing your hand and pulling you up the stairs and into his room. Placing you down on his bed he smiled. "Sorry about that, never seen my father like that before."

"Don't worry," you smiled. "It's understandable."

"I'm still sorry," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss against your forehead. "How was dinner? Did you like it?"

"Yes! It was amazing!" You beamed, Lights eyes looked straight at you. Your stomach fluttered as you stared right back.

"I'm glad," he whispered, sitting down next to you. "About what you said earlier-"

"About what?"

"Sex after marriage-"

"I only said that so your father wouldn't feel uncomfortable," you smiled, looking at slight for reassurance. "Unless- Unless you wanted to wait! I really don't mind."

Light fiercely grabbed your hand, a murderous gleam spread across his eyes for a split second before they softened and his grip on your hand released. "N-No. I don't think I could wait i mean, it's hard enough right now," Light whispered, leaning close to you - skimming his lips across your cheeks and pecking the corners of your mouth.

"Light," you whispered, placing both hands on his shoulders. "Are you okay?"

He hesitated for a moment before moving his face from yours and nodding. "Yeah Y/N," shrugging, he lay down on his back on the bed. He closed his eyes until he felt no movement from you, then he opened one eye and beckoned you into him and to rest your head on his chest.

"Light," you mumbled as you flopped into his arms. "Your family seem really nice."

"They are, I'm sorry for my dad though," he smiled, his eyes now closed and his thumbs were twirling strands of your hair around and around. "He'll get over it eventually."

"Mhm," you mumbled, your eyes felt heavy as you listened to Lights heart beating, confirming that all this was real. Kira, the guy you were a huge supporter of, was a guy you met at a coffee shop completely by accident a few days ago. He'd already opened up more than you're sure he has to anyone else, but we're you about to do the same? It had only been literally a few days since you met, and you'd already met his family?

•[Light's P.O.V]•

She fell asleep. My shirt was clenched in her fist as she snores slightly. "Lightttt," Ryuk groaned. "What's the matter? Something troubling you?"

"No Ryuk," I lied, looking at Y/N's sleeping form in my arms.

"Be careful Light, that look you're giving Y/N right now, isn't healthy. You're looking at her as if she's meat and you're hungry to devour her as your next meal," Ryuk stated, causing me to chuckle slightly.

"Weird comparison Ryuk," I chuckled. "Oh it's much more than that. She'll become the Goddess of my new world. Well, she already had."

"Be careful is all I'm saying Light," Ryuk repeated.

"Stop saying be careful!" I hissed in a whispered. "I love her, she's mine. All mine okay? She knows everything and she's still here look! She's even sleeping on me right now Ryuk! I can feel her heart beat."

"Light!" Ryuk hissed. "It's only been a few days and you're already going insane."

"I've always been insane Ryuk. But now I've found someone to be insane with," I smirked, kissing Y/N's forehead.

I don't know what this is ok I'm sorry
Might start a Black Butler one???? Idk
Everything is all over the place.
I've thought of a good plot for this bc at first, there was no plot but bc ppl like it - I was in the shower and was like 'OH THIS IS A GOOD IDEA'
I don't think any of you will expect it!:))))))
Will update tomorrow (MaYBe) don't quote me but I think I'm feee the whole day and I don't think I have much to do other than revise for my AS exams; so I can write short bits during my breaks!
Hope this is okay? Sorry:(((
Love you all
Until next time; byeeee xoxo

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