✾chapter twenty-four✾

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• [2rd Persons P.O.V] •

Day 1:

"Ryuk," you sighed, putting the pen down and scratching at your wrist. "Light said 3 days?"

"Yup," Ryuk said, looking over your shoulder at the 12 names you had written, some with a short description of the time and way in which they were to die, so they weren't all to die at once. Your victims ranged from murderers to rapists, to paedophiles to stalkers, just like you had said.  Thieves were also included, depending on the severity of the theft for example, if someone stole off an old lady and pushed them on the floor.

"I'm having way too much fun with this Ryuk," you admitted, writing one final person down with a description for the day. Light was due round any minute, and you hated him not remembering this, but like he said, it was only for 3 days. You quickly out the Death Note in the draw, and right on time to, Light barged in with a smile on his face as he attacked your neck with kisses. "Hey!" You laughed as he peppered your neck.

"Hello," he smiled as he pulled away and pecked your lips. "How've you been?"

"Good, just be looking on the news at all the things Kira has been doing," you said, eyes twinkling hoping this way he would remember little bits.

"I know," he growled clenching his fists. "I want you to stay away from the whole thing Y/N, I don't want you getting hurt. Not be them, not by anybody."

He really didn't remember. "I will Light," you said with a smile.

"Let's turn this off and put a film on, it's cold and wet outside," Light complained watching the news as yet another criminal fell to Kira.

"I don't fancy watching anything," you admitted, watching Light with a keen eye.

"Well then what do you want to do?" Light asked. You walked to a separate draw and pulled out a game.

"Uno," you said cockily causing Light to groan. "What?"

"I don't want to upset you when you get beat," Light smirked cockily.

"Game on you adorable dork," you sat down on your bed, the game in the middle, staring at each other competitively.

- 2 hours later -

"And I've won for the 9th time," you smirked.

"I so let you win," Light grumbled causing you to laugh.

"Oh really?" You asked cocking up an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Light mumbled,but let out a laugh until his phone began to buzz. "L.... Yeah.... I'm on my way."

"What was that?" You asked as he out his phone on his pocket I need to meet L at headquarters. I'll call you later, bye." And with that he dashed out, leaving you and Ryuk in silence.

Day 2:

Tomorrow Light will remember he's Kira again, yet you're still no close to winning this fight. You rolled over the brightness of the sun shone through your window and heat invaded your body, that was when you noticed arms were wrapped around your body. You slowly turned your head around, scared of what you'd find. But all you found, was the sleeping face of your love. You should of been thinking how and when he got in here. You fell asleep pretty late, writing criminals and their details, taunting L and talking to Ryuk. You'd found out about these things called 'the eyes'. You were seriously contemplating taking Ryuk up on the offer, although it would cut your life span in half. You were going to ask Light, but knew he'd say no so you were going to keep it from him. Maybe he just never finds out, maybe you could stage it so L kills himself, and says it's because of you not wanting to leave Light and that his infatuation led to madness.

"Y/N?" Lights groggy voice came from behind you, your back pressed up against him. "Are you awake?"

"Mhm," you hummed turning to face him. "How did you get here?"

"I came round at 10, your mum just let me upstairs. Told me to wake you up, but you looked so peaceful I couldn't bare it. So I just left you to sleep," he explained.

"What time is it now?" I asked. I felt him shift to the side to check his phone.

"12:32," he replied rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"Urgh, I'm still tired," you sighed, as Light lay down and pulled you into his chest.

"Well for today we rest, but tomorrow L has requested you work with us on the Kira case," he smiled warmly. "So you're coming to Task Headquarters with me tomorrow."

"W-What?" You stuttered. "But I don't want to Light!"

"Tough," he smiled pulling you to his arms and his lips so close to your ears. "But it's fine, everything will be fine."

"Yeah," you smiled. "Will you come pick me up from my house? Tomorrow? Please?"

"Yes of course my love," Light smiled.

The rest of the day went quickly. You sat in bed together mainly, playing your favourite board and card games. Laughing and joking, kissing and cuddling. You couldn't wait until tomorrow. Your Light would be back, he would be Kira, and you'd soon be together again.

Day 3:

You'd been woke up by the loud ringing of your alarm, you grumbled and threw your hand to your phone turning it off quickly. You dragged yourself out of bed to go for a shower letting Light know you were awake and getting ready to go. You let him know to be round yours in an hour. You hurried, washing your hair, body and shaving areas (armpits/legs) before getting out and walking to your bedroom.

You left a piece of paper from the Death Note on your table and wrote a shopping list. "Nice, disguising it as just an ordinary piece of paper with shopping list on it," Ryuk applauded, you smiled to him.

"Well, I just hope it works. He needs his memories back; and now!" You freaked, writing just 6 items on the shopping list. You left it on your desk and lay on your bed. About 10 minutes later, footsteps ran up to your room and your loving boyfriend busted through the door.

"Y/N are you ready?" Light asked panting. "We need to go!" You panicked and began putting your shoes on.

"Light can you pass me that shopping list on my desk; I need to go shopping after we've been here," you replied. Light reaches for the piece of the Death Note from the table and as soon as he touched it, he froze. His eyes widened as you could see the memories coming back to him.

He looked at you for a second before pushing you down on the need and kissing you passionately and forcefully. "It worked..." he muttered into your lips. Both of you panting for breath and smiling, staring dreamily into each other's eyes.

Hey guys!
So I went back to college today, so unfortunately updates will be slow.
However I can tell you that there are only 5 chapters left after this one ^_^
And then during the summer, along with revision I'll be making another X Reader book (most probably a mix of one shots from a mix of animes)!
I hope you guys like this chapter, even though it probably seems rushed, but I wanted to let you guys know why updates might/will be slow:')
Sending my love to you all

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