✾chapter twenty-seven✾

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• [Light's P.O.V] •

She'd gone. She disappeared. No trace, not telling her parents, her phone, off. Untraceable. It was literally like she'd fell off the face of the earth. My queen. "Father," I said, holding his shoulder. "Where is she? Please tell me you've found something."

"Light..." my father whispered looking me in the eyes. "There's no sign of her, Watari said she insisted she was dropped off at the shop for groceries. We just need to accept the fact that maybe, she's dead..."

"No," I snapped, my face so close to my father's, I sneered. "She's not dead." I walked away, slamming the door behind me.

"Light?" L asked as I pushed past him.

"Where is she?" I yelled, I had no idea where she was, and I began to think L had something to do with it. But I have no proof other than what Y/N told me. I hadn't seen Ryuk since Y/N disappeared, so he must be with her. That must mean she's okay right? I was holding on to pure hope.

"I don't know Light Yagami," was all he said.

"Find her," I snapped, pushing him out of my way. "A week..." I whispered pulling my hair as I left the building. I couldn't cope with it. Not knowing where she was, if she was okay. Had she left me? Slept with someone else? No she hasn't even been home to her parents in a week, they're both worried just as much as I am. I walked home, the rain pouring over me, I took the longest route. My heart hurt so much, I didn't know I could love this much - especially in such a short amount of time. We could be so happy, if she'd just come back.

"Light your drenched!" My mother shouted as I walked in. I just hummed and began to walk upstairs.

"Your father's doing everything he can, hunnie. We know you're worried, we understand-"

"No," I sneered. "You don't know what it's like. Your married with 2 children. You'll never know what it's like to miss the one you crave, the one you wish to hold so badly. You don't understand mother, you don't."


"Now if you don't mind," I interrupted. "I'm going to get a shower and go to bed. Don't bother waking me up for dinner, or supper. Or whatever damn food. I'm done." I walked upstairs, showered and jumped into bed, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. But I refused to let them, and let myself fall asleep instead.

~time skip~

It's been another week and she's still not home with me. I couldn't eat, all I was doing was sleeping and killing criminals. "Son," my dad sighed as he sat down next to me on the couch. "Please you need to eat something."

"Not until Y/N's safe," I replied. "I know she's okay."

"But son you need to face the facts," my father said. "We're doing everything we can but we're looking for a killer. We don't have time to be looking for your girlfriend."

"The police don't but you do," I snapped. "Your my father and you should be doing whatever makes me happy. This is my chance of happiness, I want to marry her and have children with her." My father look speechless as he turned around to walk away, leaving me sat on my own to think.

• [2rd Persons P.O.V] •

You stood there, as L walked in. "What do you want?" You sneered. More days had past, and L kept you in the tiny room all by yourself, with frequent visits for you to eat and use the toilet. Occasionally he'd give you kisses and attempt to hug you. But you'd rattle the chain violently until he let go, or moved away. But today was different. He stared at you with sad eyes, but he moved closer to you. Arms tracing your body and then up your arms. You heard a clink and you knew you were free.

"You're free to go," he whispered as he traced down your legs to the chains that held your legs together and unlocked them. "You're.... clear...."

"L," you growled as you pushed him off. "So help me God."

"Y/N, my love, just go," L whispered as he pushed you out the door quite violently and closed the door behind you and he slumped down against the door. You were free, you began walking to the exit of where you'd been kept for almost 3 weeks.

Sorry it's crappy.
I'm so sorry excited to finish this tbh but I think I'll miss it as well.
New story coming up soon, well collection of one shots for various anime :')
I'll give details when I publish an intro or something - and I think updates will be quite regular with it as well
2-3 more chapters left ^_^
I'm so excited for this double ending (L and Light!!)
Love you guys

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