✾chapter eighteen✾

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Before I start this, I want to warn you that this chapter is a smut! I'll be posting the next chapter at the same time so if you don't wanna read or like smut, then please  skip to the next chapter :-) much love! Also I don't really use correct/biological terminology here mainly because I'm scared you guys will judge me - so if you're reading this and it feels awkward it'll be because I feel awkward just writing it for you guys XD xoxo

•[2nd Persons P.O.V]•

Light pulled you from the wall and on to the bed causing you to let out a quiet shriek of both excitement and pleasure. He lay above you, licking, kissing and sucking your neck as you squirmed excitedly underneath him. Light. Kira. "He can't have you, and I'm going to make my mark on you," he whispered in your ear.

"I don't want him," you whispered back, biting your lip as Light grinded against you.  "I want you."

"You don't need to tell me twice," Light smirked taking off his shirt and motioned you to do the same. He wasn't going to fumble around with your clothes as he knew he'd make a fool of himself in a nervous state of mind. Even though he was angry about L, he was still nervous even though he didn't show it. He eyed your body for a second before getting to work on his trousers, you following shortly after. Mesmerised. You stumbled over your shoes and jeans/skirts but still finished undressing before he did. Smiling you lay back watching him curse underneath his breath and take off his remaining clothes and pounce on you. "You're so beautiful," he whispered to you as his fingers traced your body and made their way down to your entrance and teased you softly.

"N-No," you whispered, biting your lip, covering your face with your hands.

"Yes," he growled back. He inserted a finger causing you to let out a soft moan and grasp your face slightly. Light wanted to say stuff to you, but instead just stared because you'd paralysed him, he couldn't find his voice. When he'd thought you could take more, he inserted a finger and kissed up to your stomach and began to leave hickey's around your breasts.

"Light," you whispered looking into his eyes which held so much passion, love and desire for you. All in one stare, and it made your knees so so weak.

"Yes my dear?" He whispered. You couldn't bring yourself to say it, nervous and embarrassed to tell him you were ready for him. So he said it for you. "Ready?"

"Y-Yes," you stuttered, embarrassed but smiling softly to assure him that you really were ready. He towered over you, hands beside your head as he placed a tender kiss on your lips and positioned himself at your entrance. He pushed himself in slowly, biting his lip to make sure he didn't moan too loudly. You followed suit, a little squeak coming out of your mouth, causing you to blush and Light to chuckle slightly. Light began thrusting slowly into you, for you to get adjusted to you, and one single word from your mouth told him that you were ready for more. "Light."

"Y/N," he replied as he buried his face into your neck to muffle himself, grasping at your hips. "God you feel amazing." He growled into your ear causing you to blush and bite your lip. You couldn't say anything, pleasure took over your body as Light kept thrusting into you, you gripped Light's back and he knew that you were close to coming undone. He sped up his thrusts causing your breath to hitch slightly.

"Oh god," you cried out. "Light!"

"Y/N," was all he could replied. You gripped his back and began scraping it as you came undone, and you could tell by Light's pace that he was close too. "Fuck," he began to become erratic and suddenly, it was almost like you could feel him cum inside you and you let out one last moan as Light began to slow down and then suddenly come to a halt.

"That was-" you started, closing your eyes as you tried to catch your breath.

"Well it was amazing for me," Light smiled. "I'm sorry that wasn't a long time, it was my first time and it felt too good I didn't have time to-"

"Light it was amazing," you assured him as you stroked his back. He stayed lay on top of you for a while until his breathing and heartbeat sent you into a sleep.

Sorry it's short and shitty and not detailed.
I have my reasons.
If you stuck around enjoy the next chapter:-)
Sending my love

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