✾chapter fifteen✾

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•[2nd Persons P.O.V]•

"Y/N," your fathers voice came from outside your door, followed by a knock. "L will be here in an hour."

"Alright," you groaned. You sat up and yawned. Reaching over for your phone you smiled. You received a text from Light just saying to message him when you know what's happening. You replied back telling him your 'friend' was coming in a hour, and that you shouldn't be long. You sat up and did your normal routine of getting dressed, doing your hair etc. By the time you were all done and had breakfast, L should be getting there any minute. You'd been texting Light, and as soon as your door bell rung you told Light you thought your friend was there and that you'd text him when you were finished. You answered the door and a pale man with jet black hair stood before you. "Hello?" You asked the man.

"Y/N?" The man asked.

"Yes, are you L?" You asked, the man nodded and you moved to let him past. "Come in."

He walked in and sat down on the couch. He looked at you properly and you saw black rings around his eyes, but they widened when he saw you and a pink flushed upon his pale cheeks for a split second. "You know Light Yagami am I correct?"

"Yes you are," you said and sat directly in front of him on the coffee table. "Why?"

"He's under investigation," L replied quickly.

"Investigation for what?" You asked innocently, staring this L in the eye directly. Although his gaze faltered from yours sometimes, yours never did.

"Being Kira," L replied blankly. He looked into your eyes again for what must have been the 20th time. "Who is he to you? Can you give us re information?"

"He's my boyfriend," you replied quickly. You analysed this man right in front of you carefully. "What's it to you anyway?"

"Has he told you he's Kira?"


"How long have you been together?" L asked suddenly.

"Not too long," you weren't going to give him a direct answer unless you felt the need to.

"Long enough for him to trust you?" He tried to trip you up.

"Whether he trusts me after a short time is his business, but between me and you, he shouldn't be trusting me at all," you lied. Of course he trusted you, he told you he was Kira, and that's not something you tell someone you don't trust.

"Why not?" L pressed, he leaned towards you, thumb in his mouth as he bit the nail.

"Because if he is Kira, I'm about to drop him in it," you lied with a smirk.

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" He asked.

"You dont," you replied blankly. L stared at you, that pink flushed his cheeks.

"But how am I supposed to?" He asked you, his voice dripped with something so desperate. It was the you realised, you made him nervous.

"Use your gut," you smirked. "Am I lying to my boyfriend, or you?"

"Y/N I need your help," he whispered. "If he is Kira, I need you to tell me."

"I will, is that all?" You asked, L looked away a gain at his feet that sat on the couch.

"No," he replied. "He's dangerous, you need to leave him."

"I guarantee he's not dangerous, but thank you for your concern," you smiled, standing up. L stood up and turned the corner of his mouth up to you to resemble a smile but was clearly half assed.

He placed a kiss on your cheek suddenly causing you to jump back in surprising. "I'm just trying to protect you," he whispered.

"Please leave," you whispered back.

"I'll be in contact Y/N," L said before walking out in his funny slouchy way. you touched your cheek and scrunched your nose up slightly. Taking your phone out your pocket you texted Light straight away.

From: You
I'm on my way, I have a lot to tell you. xoxo

Hope this chapter is good enough sorry it's quiet short but thought I'd make it an L chapter
Yeah. I decided to make it so L has a crush on you bc you're welcome.
Love you all
-K x

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