✾chapter thirty✾

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• [2rd Persons P.O.V] •

You walked back to the task headquarters. Once you entered, you swiftly took Matsuda's gun he'd foolishly left off the side. You couldn't cope with it anymore, you'd both been found out. You and Light. There was no way of wriggling out of it, no lie you could come up with would explain and they clearly didn't understand the truth. You'd ran, ran as fast as you could to the main space, to see your lover and L stood their. You stayed still, L mid-speech. "That's how I knew, that's how I knew Y/N helped you. You manipulated her, manipulated her like a pawn in your filthy game," L sneered.

"You know I didn't manipulate her," Light sneered back. "It's true, it's real. My feelings for her. Since I met her at the coffee shop. That day I knew, she'd be my queen. I knew she'd understand!"

"Does she really?" L growled.

"She does," you spoke up, standing into view. "I do understand. What I don't understand, is why you don't... Lawliet."

"So you know my name," he whispered. "We can leave. If you just let me, we could truly be together. Put everything behind us."

"I don't want that," you whispered, gun pointed straight at him. Something inside you just ticked, and Light himself couldn't comprehend what you were doing.

"I love you," L said, walking over to you. "Why. What can he give you that I can't." You walked up to him, gun still pointed straight at his head until the tip was resting on his forehead."So everyone else was right. My infatuation for you was my downfall..." L managed to choke out.

"You were so right. I told you," you said stoically. "I told you, I'd kill you. Don't underestimate me, ever." You sneered.

"Y/N," L whispered just before you pulled the trigger. "I truly do... love you.."

Your hand began shaking ever so slightly as you pulled the trigger, watching the light (hehe punny) drain from his eyes as his body lay on the floor, blood surrounding it.

"You did it!" Light whispered, looking at the corpse on the floor, he was shocked. The fact you could murder someone easily, in the way you did. "But how did you know his name?"

"She has the eyes, Light Yagami," Ryuk explained.

"Why would you do that?!" Light asked grabbing your arm and pulling you out to the car. He realised you weren't going to answer him so he gave up straight away, it didn't matter. "We need to go, right now. We need to move countries."


"No we need to go, I'm sorry, but we don't have time. They know it's us, we can't stay!" You hopped into the car, speeding away and getting your clothes and passport from both of your houses and going to the airport. You told your parents where you were going, and that you'd be in touch. And that if the Task Force got in contact with them, they didn't know where you were. You told them you'd killed L in self defence, as he was the on who kidnapped you before, and that he tried to do it again. They nodded and watched as you and Light sped away to Light's house. Luckily no one was home, and even though Light loved his family he knew not saying goodbye was going to be for the best.

You rushed to the airport buying tickets as soon as you got there and jumping on the next plane to your favourite country.

~4 months later~

"I need to go to work," Light rolled over, stretching in bed. "How're you this morning my love?"

"I'm good," you moaned groggily.

"The baby?" Light asked, rubbing your belly.

"Pushing on my bladder," you said, getting up slowly. "I need to toilet." You hurried to the toilet. Did your business, washed your hands and joined Light in the kitchen.

"Better?" He asked giving you a peck on the lips and took a sip of coffee. You nodded.

"Why do you need the toilet so much?" you heard Ryuk asked, looking at your pregnant belly.

"Pregnant," you mumbled taking a glass of water. "Light did this to me."

"I can see," Ryuk replied.

"Hush you two," Light chuckled. "This is going to be great Y/N."

"I know, I just want the day to hurry up," you sighed, rubbing your belly. You and Light decided to keep the Death Note, and only get rid of a maximum of 5 criminals a day from different countries, with different variations of death.

"Y/N," Light said. "I'm coming home early today, I want to make you food, I have something planned."

"Hmmm," you smiled and nodded. "I'm going to go back to sleep when you leave, the baby keeps kicking and it hurts like hell."

"No problem sweetheart. I'll call you when I'm on the way home," Light smiled. "Anyway I'm really late and need to go," he pecked your lips and left in a hurry. He really did look good wearing a suit and tie. You slugged your way back to bed, climbing in and stroking and speaking to your belly. You'd decided to not know your baby's gender, and just wait until he/she is born. You'd already picked a name out for a boy and a girl. You just needed to wait 2 and a half more months. You felt your eyes get heavy and your world was clouded into darkness.

Your phone started to ring and vibrate. Your groaned over and picked it up, Lights voice beamed on the other end. "I'm coming home queen, get up and sit on the sofa. I have your favourite from the take away you love so much!" And with that he ended the call.

Within 10 minutes, Light was home and next to you on the couch. Tie loosely around his neck and eating his food. "How was your day?" You asked him.

"It was good it was good," he smiled. "Business is slow though."

"I bet, September is always a busy time, you know the kids being back at school and all," you smiled eating away. You sipped water once you finished, your baby seemed pretty satisfied. Light also finished and he rubbed your belly, smiling happily.

"Y/N," he started, he stood up and placed kisses on your belly. "I love you, the whole world. I know we've only been together for a short amount of time. But I've trusted you, within days of meeting you. Together we're ruling the world-"

"What are you trying to say?" You asked, until Light got on the floor, one knee.

"Will you Y/N L/N, do me the honour of becoming my wife?"  Light asking, showing you the most beautiful engagement ring. You couldn't say anything, you just cried happily. You
nodded and Light placed the ring on your finger. Your baby kicking the space between you, a way of saying yes. He pulled you into a passionate kiss, both of you recalling the moment you met in your heads.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" you asked the guy sitting down at the coffee shop.

"O-Of course I don't mind," He stuttered, making you giggle mentally. You sat opposite him with your coffee and opened your book. Your eyes shon as you kept glimpsing at him, and you knew. He was the one. The one you'd go on many adventures with and get into trouble with - but in the end, it'd all be worth it.

~F I N I S H E D~

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