✾chapter six✾

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• [Light's P.O.V] •

I woke up and saw Ryuk crouching down next to my bed and staring at me with that freaky smile of his. "Ryuk," I groaned turning over so my back was facing him. "Go away, I'm tired."

"Apple," he said quickly.

"Go and get one," I snapped.

"I can't," he stated.

"I'm not getting you one Ryuk, I'm tired. I'm going back to sleep for a bit, get it yourself," I growled.

"Light. It's 11am," Ryuk retorted causing me to jump up and look at my clock, he was right.

"Shit, I have to get showered, find clothes and book a table at a restaurant for tonight!" I panicked, grabbing my phone and dialling the number to my family's favourite restaurant. "Hello?"

"Hello there how may I help you?" A lady's voice came from the other end.

"Hi. Hi, erm, I was wondering if I could book a table for 5pm today?" I asked quickly. I heard the woman typing on the other end before she hummed.

"Of course, what's the name?" She asked.

"Yagami, Light Yagami," I sighed happily.

"Okay, is that all?"

"Yes thank you very much," I smiled. "Bye."

"Have a good day sir, bye," the woman replied before hanging up. I grabbed my phone and texted Y/N.

To: Y/N
5pm. I'll be at your house. Fancy date.

From: Y/N
O-Okay Light! Should I wear something fancy?

To: Y/N
Wear what you want: you'll look gorgeous. See you later.

She replied a simple 'alright' followed by a 'bye'. I smiled to myself and threw my phone on the bed before taking my shirt off. "Ryuk do you mind? I'm going for a shower, get lost will ya," I growled and placed my dirty shirt in the washing basket. Ryuk left without a word and I continued to undress, placing my dirty laundry in the basket. Getting my clean clothes and placing them on the bed I made my way to my shower and turned it on. I stepped in letting the hot water run over my body, and running a hand through my hair getting it all wet. I washed myself and my hair before getting out of the shower and drying myself off.

I dressed and dried my hair before going downstairs and making myself a sandwich and getting myself a glass of water. "Here Ryuk," I replied getting an apple. "Here's your apple."

"Ooooo!" He exclaimed and took it out of my hand before shoving it straight in his mouth. "So good."

"You need to stop eating them otherwise you're going to get fat," I joked.

"I'm Shinigami. We don't get fat," he said blankly.

"I know Ryuk it was just a joke," I explained. He just nodded as a reply and had another Apple. For the rest of the afternoon I thought of ways that i could impress Y/N on our date later. Call me crazy but I think I'm in love.

Sorry I haven't updated in a week
7 votes and I'll update a new chapter!
Sorry this is short :(
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