✾chapter seventeen✾

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•[2nd Persons P.O.V]•

You sat down with Light, your coffee on your hand. "What is it you want to ask me about?"

"L said you were under an investigation for being Kira," you shrugged. "And I want to know about it. Everything you can tell me please do."

"There's not much to it really," Light sighed. "I was under a lot of surveillance, without my knowing may i add." You saw in his eyes that part was important as he may be being under surveillance now.

"Well, if they didn't find anything on you when you were under surveillance then why are you still under investigation?"

"I don't," Light sighed sipping his coffee. "I don't know. But I need to go back and tell my father. He works with the Task Force you see. Maybe he'll know something."

He stood up to leave but you pulled him back down. "Can we just sit here a while? I don't really fancy rushing around yet. They've probably noticed you have a new girlfriend who's a Kira supporter. They'll see that everything's normal and they you're still not Kira."

"...Sure..." Light looked at you confused. He sincerely thought you'd forgotten that he was Kira, he felt angry, confused and hurt. All until he saw the gleam in your eye, did he know it was all an act, just in case they were still watching him.

"Good!" You smiled, he sat down next to you and he placed a hand on your leg.

"How did I get someone as perfect as you?" Light asked rhetorically making you smile.

"You didn't I got you," you smirked back.

"If I hadn't have spilt my coffee on myself, I don't think I'd have gotten your attention," Light smiled, placing his coffee on the table. "I wouldn't would I?"

"Well you had my attention from the second I saw you and asked if I could sit there," you replied. "But honestly, I don't think I'd of spoke to you other than that. Why would I even try?"


"Light!" A voice exclaimed just as Light was about to explain. You both looked up to see L standing over you. "Fancy seeing you here. It's been.... A while."

"Who're you?" You asked. You said this so it made it look to L like Light didn't know you'd seen him, but of course he knew. He went mad when you told him he kissed your cheek.

"Ryuzaki," he replied with a faint smile. "Who're you?"

"My girlfriend," Light growled protectively. "Let me guess, you're here for one reason."

"I just came to say hi and introduce myself to..." He trailed off as if to ask for your name.

"Y/N," you replied.

"It's a beautiful name," he muttered under his breath so neither of you could hear, however Light did.

"Why are you here?" Light, played dumb so L didn't get suspicious. "Am I under investigation again?"

"N-" L stated.

"Bullshit," Light growled. "Come one Y/N, we're going back to my house." Light pulled your violently off the couch and you rolled your eyes. You felt something touch your butt and squealed slightly, turning round to see L he motioned to your pocket and mouthed a sneaky sorry. Your arm reached to your back pocket and you felt a piece of paper inside, nodding at L to say you understood.

"Light, let go of my arm now, we're almost at your house. You've been dragging me the whole way, I'm surprised no ones called the police!" You muttered.

"S-Sorry!" He muttered, letting go of your arm as you reached his path. "Ryuk, go find L and follow him. Find out what he's up to."

"He slipped something into my pocket," you spoke up to Light as he walked into his house along with you.

"Is anyone home?" Light called around the house a few times while you checked the piece of paper.

'Please be safe around him Y/N, I care about your safety'

Light found no one was home and walked over to you as you read the piece of paper. "What's this?" He asked snatching it off you. He read it and his nose scrunched up and you literally swore you saw steam coming out his ears. Grabbing your arm yet again, he stormed with you upstairs to his room and pulled you in slamming the door shut.

"Light?" You asked,  slightly confused. You looked at your boyfriend who was furious, fists clenched into balls. You reached your arm to touch him only to have it pushed away and be slammed into the wall with such force and a fist land right into the wall next to the right of your head.

"He cannot have you!" He screamed at you, his whole body shaking and you genuinely thought he had lost it. But instead his lips attached to your neck and began to suck on your soft spot causing you to let out a little moan.

I'm sorry if there are any typo's its 3:10am and my heads all over the place rn mwaha
That and I'm listening to music at the same time!
I hope you like this chapter!
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Sending my love <3

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