Chapter 7

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"And he was so shy and seemed so scared Mum. So I told him that we'd love to watch a movie with him on Saturday. Maybe the three of us will become friends . . ." Leigh-Anne was rambling on at the dinner table.

"Meh. He was weird. At first he was all . . . I don't know . . . but then he was like afraid of us or something –which he should be 'cause if he was tryna cause trouble I would've hurt him!" Jesy yelled squishing the stress ball that Garvin had given her years ago. She usually carried it around the house.

"Wait y'all two going on a date?" Ray Ray asked before practically dying with laughter.

His laughing fit sent Jade into one of her own yelling out 'good one' and 'that's rich' and other phrases of the like.

"Are you done?" Leigh-Anne asked with a small frown when they stopped to take a breath. She was getting tired of everyone always laughing at her and Jesy. It was becoming annoying. "And it's not a date. We're not allowed to date. It's just friends hanging out." She smiled and nodded.

"More like friend hanging out in your pants." Princeton muttered angrily. No one heard him.

"Oh God they don't even understand the concept of dating!" Ray Ray said starting in another fit from Leigh-Anne's comment.

"Guys . . . please don't laugh at your sisters." Nicki said while trying to hold back giggles of her own as Jade joined in again.

"But Mum . . . it's not a date . . . right?" Leigh-Anne asked with fear in her eyes. "I mean he seemed so shy . . . I just wanted to help. Besides it's both me and Jesy . . . a date would only have like one on one right?"

Nicki nodded. "Well I guess as long as it's not a date to you then . . . it's not a date. In fact Ray will go along to supervise you all." Nicki smiled thinking this was clever. Once Ray Ray was there she knew for sure no 'date' like scenarios would be going on. Just in case this kid was just trying to get in an intimate position with her daughters.

Ray Ray nearly choked on his rice. "What?"

Jade laughed some more. "You have to go on the date." She taunted and pointed.

"I am not going on their date with them." Ray Ray shook his head.

"Wait Jesy you're going on a date?" Roc Royal asked, pausing in stuffing his face for moment.

"Umm . . . it's not a date. We're underaged you doofus . . ." Jesy started saying with blush on her cheeks.

"JESY going on a date. Wow. And not with us." Prodigy said with wide eyes and a shaking head. "I thought you were in love with us."

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Jesy snarled. "I can barely stand the two of you much less love you in that way." She scowled and made a sick noise to show her disgust.

"You're just playing hard to get." Roc Royal said raising his eyebrows seductively while Prodigy made a purring noise and did a clawing motion.

Jesy scowled even more and pushed her plate away. "I've LOST my appetite!" She screamed.

"Okay guys that's enough. No one is old enough for dating. Leigh and Jes are just gonna hang out with a friend and RAY RAY will supervise them." Nicki said with finality. "Jesy eat your dinner."


Perrie had been sleeping soundly but there was something in her dream that nagged at her and told her to wake up. She opened her eyes groggily and looked out into the darkness that covered her and Jade's bedroom. There was a strong feeling that something was very wrong.

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