Chapter 62

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Ex and Jesy walked.  They walked as far away as possible.  Neither wanted any witnesses to what was about to happen.  They were on a sand path between palm trees near the beach. The sky was becoming light.  It was still dark but the sun was about to begin it's acsent into the sky.

"We're far enough.  Stop walking." Ex ordered.

Jesy nodded and turned to face him.  She wasn't sure what she was going to do. She had no desire to defend herself. She amost felt like this was an easy way out of her self induced misery.  It would free Princeton from his anger towards her and it would ensure the safety of the rest of her family.  Yet there was still the fact that this would rip Leigh-Anne apart.

She'd always put her best friend above all else in the world.  It seemed ridiculous to change that now and think of others.  There was clearly no way to win.   So she decided to do nothing at all.

Ex licked his lips, sensing her inner turmoil. "Looks like the selfish bitch is finally feeling something.  Have you now realized that there is a world outside of you and your beloved?" He asked tauntingly.  He moved around her like a shark waiting for the time to go for the kill.

She was silent trying not to break down crying.  She wasn't even sure what she was feeling.  It was just painful.  A pain with no name, clouded by confusion and pity.

"Give me your weapon." Ex demanded in a knowing voice.

Jesy's heart froze.  She hadn't even realized that she'd unconsiously grabbed one of her knives from her box.  She looked down at her hands. In one she held both her knife Ex and the flashlight.  She dropped them both and looked up at Princeton.

He lifted the knife that shared his current name. "It was nice of you to bring him for the occasion . . . Let's see how fun he really is."


Perrie was coughing and crying. Her head was a throbbing mass of pain.  She felt sick.  She tried to get Ray Ray to wake up by weakly touching his face but he was out cold.  She had to do something.

The little blond struggled to her hands and knees.  She should have gone for help first instead of trying to come down here.  It was a mistake they all kept making.  They always tried to do everything themselves.  A habit from the days in the Foster home when it was just them.

But now it wasn't just them.  It was never just them.  They had people to help them.  They just had to ask.  Things could be so easy.  She crawled on the rough ground, heading to the villa.  There were adults inside.  She just needed to get one of them.  An ambulance could be called.  Things didn't have to be hard.


Leigh-Anne felt someone shaking her awake.  She half expected Jesy to be telling her that there was a shooting star or something. Instead when she opened her eyes she saw a frantic looking Jade.

"Leigh we're trapped." Jade cried urgently.

Leigh sat up instantly realizing that Jesy was gone. "What do you mean trapped?" She screamed.

Jade moved towards the door and tried to turn the knob.  "I mean trapped."  She jiggled the knob some more. "It won't budge."

"Pez and Jes are gone." Leigh said softly as she got to her feet too.

"Something's going on." Jade said slamming her small shoulder into the door.

"We need to get out." Leigh said as she too started trying to get the door open.

"Why would someone lock us in here?" Jade cried.

Leigh-Anne felt a shock go through her heart. Jesy was in trouble.  She could feel it.  She hiccuped. "Oh no." She muttered covering her mouth.

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