Chapter 58

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Jesy sat in the seat Princeton had been occupying and grinned triumphantly at Leigh-Anne.

Leigh rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You're lucky Princey is so mature." She said.  "You should probably take notes."

Jesy narrowed her eyes and glared at Princeton across in the other seat.  She turned back to Leigh-Anne. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means exactly what I just said." She answered smart-alecky.

"Whatever Pinnock," Jesy snapped. "But you should stop calling him Princey. He's not your love bug . . . his name is Princeton as in he's made of a ton of shit." She laughed and clapped at her joke.

"I'll call him what I want to.  Princey is a pet name because I love him . . . and you know he loves me too.  We're siblings. We care about each other.  That's why he doesn't run blindly into fires for dumb reasons."

Jesy gulped. "You said you were over that.  I'm here aren't I?  With you even though you'd rather some shit ton." She spat.

"Don't call him that.  And I've told you every single night that I love you more than everything and everyone else in the world. Will it kill you to believe it?  Would it really be so hard to not do dumb things that could get you killed?  Huh Jessica?" Leigh said sounding very angry.

Jesy folded her arms. "Meh . . . I can't help that I'm a jealous freak . . . I . . ." She looked over at Princeton again. "I really don't like him.  I didn't mind you kissing Mikey but I mind you hanging around him very much.  I hate him more than I've ever hated anything." She growled.

Leigh-Anne blew out a frustrated breath. "Why though Jes?  Why do you hate him?  He's literally never done anything but be kind to you."

Jesy shrugged.

"Jesy you've got to have a reason.  It doesn't make sense to hate someone so much for nothing." Leigh said touching Jesy's cheek gently.

Jesy's cheeks flushed. She'd never really thought of the exact reason she hated that particular boy so much. She just felt rage whenever she looked at him.  His face actually disgusted her.  It was a strange sensation.  One that obviously wasn't normal.

"He . . . you always talked about him like he was your favourite back in the foster home . . . and he . . . he likes you a lot.  And he's a lot like you but he's a boy which means that you're compatible . . . He's nice no matter how much I try to break him and that drives me mad . . . He's just grrr . . . Whenever I think of someone to hate more than I despise my self I think of him . . . I just hate him so much." Jesy shook her head.  She could feel tears of hot anger in her eyes.  She blinked them away.  This was not the time for crying.

Leigh-Anne breathed out a sigh.  She didn't understand her friend.  The person she loved most in the world.  And she felt like she never would. She knew Jesy so well . . . often times better than Jesy knew herself. But did she understand her?  No.  Not any more than Jesy understood herself. "Oh Jes." was all she could say.  After all this time Jesy despised herself.  How lost was she in her poor little brain?

"I . . . I'll be more mature . . . I mean I can try . . . and I promise to not hurt myself.  I'll live Leigh.  For you.  I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be stupid again . . ." Jesy was stammering. "I don't know . . . maybe I should handcuff myself to you."

Leigh-Anne cracked a small smile.  She could never stay mad at Jesy no matter how completely wrong the older girl was. The fact probably should have alarmed her but it made her smile instead.  Maybe she was as sick as Jesy's mind was.  Maybe she was worse. "Do you think we can get handcuffs in a gift shop?"

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