Chapter 9

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"Okay Garvin. Please don't tell Mom about this but . . ." Princeton was in Garvin's office for his session, about to tell him about Princeten, when Princeten himself took over. "I . . . I think I um . . . I'm in love with Leigh-Anne."

Garvin scratched his chin trying to figure out why Princeton was acting so strange. "Yes you've already told me this . . ."

"Nope deep love . . . like deep deep love." Princeten said doing his best to impersonate his less forward self.

"Well that's nice but I actually wanted to know why you seemed so sleepy the other day. You also seem tired now." Garvin clasped his hands and held them near his mouth. Nicki's hunch about something going on was proving more and more right. So far today he'd only had a session with Ray Ray and now Princeton but the way Princeton was acting was way out of his ordinary.

Princeton blinked several times as he regained control of his body. He lost his train of thought but was unaware of Princeten's interference. "I was . . . right now I remember. I have a serious problem Garvin but I don't want to alarm Mom just yet in case you can help me with it. Pri-" Princeten took over again. "I Princeton Miraj think I want to have sex with my sisters."

Garvin's mouth dropped open. "What Princeton this is . . ."

"I know I know. It's crazy. I'm so confused. It's all of them you know. Even little Perrie . . . she is very pretty. She even looks older than Jade." Princeten was faking a distressed voice very well.

"Princeton I know the urges are hard but you and your sisters are all very young. We can get through this."

"I'm sick man. Sick!" Princeten continued having fun with this as he was sure he was embarrassing Princeton in some way. Not that these things were all that untrue. Princeton may have been a goody-two-shoes but Princeten wanted badly to get off with those hot girls at school and Princeton's so called 'sisters'. "The other day I was just looking at my little sister Perrie." He pretended to sob to cover up the snicker that wanted to emerge. "And the next thing I knew my . . . my embarrassingly small dick stood up." Princeten whimpered out. He was giggling on the inside though. Princeton does have a small dick, at least compared to mine that is. He almost smiled.

Garvin gasped. "Huh it's come to that. Well Prince you're not sick . . . it's normal for a lot of boys going through puberty. You'll be twelve next year, imagine some kids going through this at ten. You just need to learn control although I think it's wise to stay away from your sisters for a bit . . . just give yourself some space when things feel like they're too intense . . ."

Princeten was getting bored with the lecture. He thought this therapist guy would ridicule and laugh at Princeton. He was bored. He decided to make his exit. Prrinceton was back.

"There are medicines for this sort of thing if you really need some." Princeton heard Garvin say.

He didn't remember finishing telling Garvin about Princeten but he guess he must have. "Really there's medicine for it?" He asked relieved. He'd take any medication if it'll help him keep Princeten at bay. "Wow Garvin that's great. This is such a relief . . . but please don't tell Mom. I don't want her worried if I can get better."

Garvin nodded. "But remember Prince this is completely natural. You're not sick. Things will get easier."

"Uhh . . . okay." Princeton said, confused. "I'm gonna go now. You've got other kids to help."


"So how was school today guys? Was it good?" Nicki asked with an almost creepy smile. This was obviously an effect from being around Ray Ray for too long.

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