Chapter 1

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A/N: Yeah, so In this story I'm gonna be using some anime opening and vocaloid songs. But they will be in japanese. Sing along if you're able


(Name) lived in an apartment in the mudfle of the city, It was a fairly large

Right now she was playing with her computer and hearing some remix songs

"Hmm...I'm gonna take a bath" she said and stood up. She walked towards the bathroom while humming 'Alice Human Sacrifice'

☆In The Slender Mansion☆

BEN groaned at the sofa while playing his games. "God damn it! I'm bored!!! SLENDY I'M GONNA GO ON A KILLING SPREE!!!" he yelled through out the mansion

"Don't get caught up by the police!" He heard Slenderman said, "And don't call me Slendy!" He yelled. BEN grinned and went inside the TV

He went through cyber space looking for a victim. He found a laptop screen opened.

He looked at the room through the laptop. It was a fairly large room painted blue

A girl then came out "that was a nice bath!" She said and went to the laptop

BEN grinned and made cleverbot popped up

"What? How did that pop up?" The girl asked

☆With You☆

After finishing the bath and went to her laptop

She was Cleverbot pop up on the screen

"What? How did that pop up?" (Name) asked herself. She sat down on her chair

C- "hello"
User- "um hello? How did you pop up?"
C- "You shouldn't have done that"
User- "done what?"
C- " you've met a terrible fate"

The screen started glitching, (Name) raised an eyebrow

"This is creepy" she mumbled, the laptop screen turned pitch black

A hand suddenly came out and tried to grab her

"Amateur" she said and grabbed the hand, she pulled and the person came out

He looked like Link from LoZ, but his eyes were black and his pupils were red

"Who are you? Why did you try to kill me?" She asked the boy

He growled and glared at her, "why aren't you scared?" He asked, she scoffed "I've seen worse" she said

Her harsh expression turned soft, "wanna be friends?" She asked and streched her hand out

He had a confused expression on his face "what?" He asked

"Do you wanna be friends?" She asked again, "why should I?" He asked

She shrugged "you seem like a fun person" she said. "You do know that I kill people for fun right?" He asked

She nodded "of course, I do it too" she said and his eyes widened

"You? I don't believe it" he said and continued to glare at her

"Suit yourself" she said and befan singing

"It's a beautiful day outside
Birds are singing
Flowers are blooming
On days like this, kids like you
Should be burning in hell"

She sang, BEN raised an eyebrow at her but then noticed the whole room is like a jail made of bones

"Turn around kid, It'd be a crime
if i had to go back on the promise that i made for you
So don't step over that line
Or else friend you're gonna have a bad time"

Suddenly a gaster blaster showed up
Beside (Name), the gaster blaster's eyes glowed blue

"But kids like you don't play by the rules
And guys like me it ain't easy to be played for fools
So let's go, let the room get chiller
Let's go dirty brother killer"

As soon as she finished that last part, her right eye turned pitch black, and her left eye turned black with white pin pricks in the middle while it had blue flamed around it

"Do you believe me?" She asked while BEN froze in place. "That was from undertale right?" He asked

She nodded "that. Is. So. Cool!!!" He exclaimed and his eyes shined

She made the gaster blaster and the bones dissapear. "So.....wanna be friends?" She asked and streched her hand out

He grinned and grabbed her hand "sure!"

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