Chapter 26

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"You're right. Let's go!" Masky said and stood up

"How do we stop a powerful half demon who's gone beserk and doesn't know her surroundings!?" Jeff exclaimed as he gripped his knife tighter

"I can't believe i'm saying this. Ai, I need you to tranquilize (Name) and Zalgo at the same time while we create a diversion, Jane, you help Ai.  But use a lower dosage on (Name), we want her to be paralyzed not dead.

While she does that, Red and Silver get Nina's group out and strap Zalgo down after he's paralyzed.

After (Name) is paralyzed, me and Jeff will try to wake her up. Toby, Hoodie, you guys create a diversion. Let's go!" Masky explained


After i explained the plan, Toby and Hoodie quickly grab out their smoke bombs. They always carry those things around just in case someone saw them in the middle of a mission so the could sneak attack them

Or they use it for pranks, they threw the smoke bombs making the diversion, i faintly saw (Name) stop and stand still. I guess Ai also saw cause she immediately ran up to (Name) and tranquilize her in the neck making her fall down

Zalgo also stopped for a while, Jane saw this and jumped on his back making him stumble and struggle to get her off his back

But Jane quickly tranquilized him and he fell down. I quickly went to (Name) with Jeff. Her eyes is still blank and she didn't move an inch

Jeff took (Name)'s head and layed it on his lap "(Name)! (Name)! Wake up!" He said and lightly shook her body

I remember the time she told me about this


(Name) and i were out in the back, i was asking many questions about her past and how her gem works. It's pretty interesting

"Listen here Masky, there will be a time when i force myself to over-use my gem and at that time. I want you to do this"


"Firstly, Close my eyes"

I took my hand and covered it over her eyes, Jeff looked at me

"Second, put a hand over my gem"

I used my other hand and put it on her gem

"Third, slowly push it down"

I took a deep breath and slowly push her gem down, (Name) started to struggle and screamed

"What are you doing?! You're hurting her!" Jeff yelled and tried to push me away

"I know what i'm doing! Trust me!" I yelled back, his eyes widened and backed away

I kept pushing her gem down making her scream and struggle more "Jeff! Keep her down!" I said. Jeff grabbed (Name)'s shoulder and pushed her down

"Why would i force your gem down?"

It's hard for me to hear her scream in pain, especially when i'm the one making her scream in pain

"Well first off, my gem is my source of power, if it's always out. my powers go out of control, even i can't control it"

Her gem is already half in, I can feel everyone looking at us and in concern

"If you push it down, it may hurt for me but my power will lower down"

"I'm sorry. I'm the one hurting you. but this is for your own good" i said and felt tears coming out of her eyes

"When it's finally down, i'll turn back to normal"

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