Chapter 24

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A/N: Some cursing up ahead, and I'll try to make Jeff not break the 4th wall......maybe....probably......possibly

(Name) let her gem out and released half of the seal on her, her right eye is full on red and since she was forcing herself to let out her gem's full power she looks a little bit in pain but covered it with a glare towards Ai

"Should i let you handle it? Or do you need help?" Jane offered, (Name) let out a small laugh

"I can handle it, you sit back, relax and watch this motherfucker go down" she said and pointed at Ai who smiled widely

"GREAT! FIRST WE LOST (NAME) AND NOW JANE! WHO ELSE?! YOU WANNA TAKE ME! GO AHEAD!" Jeff yelled and grabbed his hair and pulled it

He groaned and rolled on the floor "everyone's gonna kill me for loosing them both...UGHHH" he mumbled and hit his head to the wall

"Calm down! I'm trying to think!" Red yelled at Jeff and ran a hand threw his hair

"Aww~~~~you guys missed me?" (Name) said behind Red and Jeff who turned their head towards the source of sound

"(NAME)?!" Both of them yelled and tackled her in a hug which she avoided, "sorry guys, no hugs. I have a LOT of wounds. And Jane is here with me too" she said and looked towards jane who was crossing her arms

"Where the heck were you both?!" Jeff yelled, "and you!" He pointed at Jane "Don't go dissapearing!" He yelled

"Hey! If i didn't go to where (Name) was, she would've been beaten up! Or worse! She could've died!" Jane yelled back

"Is that true?" Red asked, (Name) nodded her head and hugged Jane from the side making her grumble

"If she didn't show up, i would've gotten beaten up by an illusion" she said. "It's not like i saved you because i like you. I just wanted to complete the mission" Jane grumbled

"Tsun" Red mumbled

"Now, Serena. Where's Sally?" (Name) asked. "She is on the sixth floor, Masky's group found her and they are headed to this floor in a few seconds" she replied

"Hey! You guys!" Toby said from the end of the hallway. "Somebody pinch me cause i can't tell if this is reality or an illusion" (Name) said and Jane pinched her cheek

"Okay, it's real" she said as Masky's group ran to her, Hoodie had a sleeping Sally on his back.

(Name) tumble back a little bit after seeing Ai, "(Name)? Is something wrong?" Ai asked

(Name) smiled and she shook her head "it's fine" she said

"Check, this (Name)? Heloooooooo~~~~" A voice came from (Name)'s head

"Wai-what? BEN?!" (Name) yelled and held her head. "How in the world did you get in my head?! Are you a virus?!" She said

"Well technically i am, but since Serena is a micro-chip in your brain and a micro-chip is electronics. I can get in your brain!" BEN explained

"Where did you get that theory?" She asked, "I just made it up. And might i say Serena is one pretty lady" BEN said and started to flirt with Serena

"Heck, i don't even know what Serena looks like" (Name) mumbled

"She has long layered blonde hair, bright violet eyes, markings under her eyes and one hell of a sexy body" BEN said and (Name) could almost feel him smirking

"Okay, BEN say what you need and get out of my head" (Name) said and facepalmed

"Now you know how annoying BEN is" Jeff and Jane mumbled at the same time

Meanwhile the proxies looked worried at (Name)'s appearance, her gem was out and her right eye is still bright red

Masky wanted to ask, but he knew that BEN would hear

(Name)'s face went from annoyed to worried real fast, "what?!" She yelled

"Guys, no time to explain. But do you want to get revenge on Zalgo for taking Sally?" She asks.

"Of course!" They yelled

"Okay! Now everybody huddle up!" (Name) said and all of them went into a circle. She touched their shoulders and all of them teleported at a throne room

"Tch, this room is too familiar for me" (Name) mumbled and looked around. Seeing Nina's group in a cage on the corner

"Nina!" (Name) yelled and ran towards them, Nina's head snapped up and looked towards (Name)

"(Name)! Don't go near! The cage has a force field!" Nina said and (Name) stopped right before she hit the force field

"I'll get you out of there!" (Name) said

"(Name)....don't force yourself! Judging by how you look, you've been pushing your limits too far." EJ said

(Name) knew this was true but she would push over her limits to save her friends

"(Name), we'll find another way to get them out" Masky said and put a hand on her shoulder

"Also, about your gem" Masky whispered

"It won't go back" she replied

"Does that mean?" His eyes widened

"Maybe" she mumbled

He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, "you know how dangerous it is! Why would you force it!" Masky said

"I would do anything for you guys" (Name) said and send a soft smile at Masky

(Name) sent a glance over her friends one more time, she smiled softly and closed here eyes

"(Name)" Serena called out

"I know, I'll have to use it one way or another" (Name) mumbled and her hand went to her gem

"I see you found your friends" Zalgo appeared and sat in his throne

"You don't have any reason to do this" (Name) said and everyone glared at him

"Oh but i do" he said and his eyes glanced over everyone, his glance stopped at Ai

"Have you come back to be by my side?" He asked Ai, everyone was confused on who he was talking to but Ai let out a small chuckle and made everyone turn their head towards her

"I've said my answer, and it will never change. I'm here to settle a score with you" Ai said and smiled

"You know him?" (Name) asked, Ai sadly smiled at her and nodded

"It's funny on how you don't know who she really is. How blind you are to the truth" Zalgo said and let out a small chuckle

"What do you mean?" (Name) frowned

"I will let you figure that out by yourself" he said

A/N:  i wanted to make a crack chapter after this one but i remembered that people in the US can't open the video on wattpad (comments from the early chapter + Other stories)
SoOoOoO~~~ nevermind

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