Chapter 19

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"WHAT?!!" (Name) screamed making everyone cover their ears, if saying (Name) is mad that would be lying. She is furious

Her fists were clenched and she glared at everyone. Inside her mind she was throwing every curse word she knew at her father

"How?" Her voice is deathly calm and her bangs made a shadow that covered her eyes

"Me and Sally were playing tag outside, but Sally ran too far in the woods. Then one of Zalgo's demon came. They knocked me out and took sally.....I'm guessing that's how they start a war" Jeff said and chuckled sadly

(Name) took a deep breathe to calm herself but her fists were still clenched

"I don't care if that man is my father. I. Will. Destroy. Him for kidnapping my little Sally" she mumbled

"I'll go after her" (Name) said and started to walk outside the mansion but was stopped by slenderman's tentacles "calm down child, we will think of a way to get Sally back"  he explained

(Name) clicked her tongue and walked out anyway "i need to blow off some steam. Don't go after me" she said and walked away

Everyone on the mansion was at edge,  who know what Zalgo is doing to Sally. Even if she is a creepypasta, she is still a child. There are some things she can't do by herself

She doesn't need anymore suffering than she already have. Jeff gritted his teeth and punched the wall

"It's my fault. If i didn't get knocked out. Sally wouldn't be kidnapped. If only i was stronger" Jeff said and took all the blame for himself

"Jeff, this isn't your fault. You were caught off guard" BEN said, "But it is my fault! I could've protected Sally! But i didn't!" Jeff yelled

Nina stood up and slapped him right in the face making everyone look at their direction in shock

"don't you's not your fault. Any of us could be at your position, guilt eating us alive. But we should've known that the war was nearing and we left you two alone.

It's partially our fault too. We're Creepypasta's! Have some pride! Our comrade was taken now it's our time to take her back!" Nina yelled

Everyone stood there wide eyes, even Jeff looked at her shocked. "She's right, let's come up with a plan" EJ said

(Name) walked to the deep part of the woods, she still glared at everything in her path, "are you okay?" Serena asked. (Name) scoffed "do i look okay?" She replied

She heard Serena sighed "I know you're worried about Sally but you have to calm down" Serena said

(Name) punched a tree "Dammit! How am i suppose to be calm. This is my fault! My father took my friend and it's to lure me in!" She said the word 'father' with disgust

"I know, but if you don't calm down the seal will break. And both of us don't want you to go beserk" Serena tried to reason with her

(Name) didn't realize that her gem was showing and it glowed bright red. "Tch, you're right" she mumbled

"I always am" she said and (Name) could imagine her having a smug look on her face

"Now that i'm here. Let me try out this power" she said and let half of the seal down. The right side of her face began to grow markings and cracks, her sclera began to turn red

She walked to a tree and put her hand on it. The tree slowly began to decay, the leafs falling out and turned brown until they dispersed

She smiled, "I wonder~" she said and whistled. After waiting a few seconds, some hellhounds ran up to her and surround her

She snapped her fingers and all of the hellhound bowed down to her. She went up to the Alpha and patted his head. "I'll name you Ace, would yoy like that?" She asked

Ace growled in agreement, "good" she said and snapped her fingers again making them ran to their own dimension

While she was trying out her new powers she didn't realize someone walking up behind her

"BEN, could you track down the position that Sally is in?" Slenderman asked him, BEN scratched his head "if there is some sort of technology there, i could try" he said and went in the TV

"EJ, you pack up stuff that could be used for treating wounds in the battlefield" Slenderman instructed, EJ nodded and went upstairs

"The rest of you, sharpen your weapons. Prepare for the battle" Slenderman said and teleported away

After that everyone dispersed into their own rooms to prepare their own weapons

Nina walked over to Clockwork, "soo~ Clocky, are you friends with (Name)?" She asks

Clockwork raised an eyebrow at her question but slowly smiled and nodded

"Why the sudden question?" She asks, "i just thought it would've been great that you two are friends!" Nina said and clasped her hand together

"Where did she go anyways?" Clockwork asked, Nina tilted her head "she did say, she was gonna blow off some steam but hasn't it been too long?" Nina said

Clockwork frowned "let's search for her" she suggested and Nina nodded. The both of them walked out of the mansion in search of (Name) after telling Slenderman

(Name) was exhausted after trying out her newly-found powers, she gasped for air and layed down on the grass

After a few minutes of laying down, she heard clapping from behind her making her quickly stood up and get in a fighting stance

"Who's there?!" She asks, a woman came out with a smile on her face. Her long light pink hair tied up in a bun

(Name)'s eyes widened at the familiar woman

"Y-you're alive?"

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