Chapter 37

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Do you see the dress up top? I want you guys to guess who will be wearing that dress now, before you read the chapter and see who really wears it.

"(Name), Jeff, BEN. Come to my office, you have a special mission" Slenderman called them out

Jeff looked over to BEN and (Name) but they only shrugged and all of them went to his office

"what is this 'special mission'? "BEN asked and sat on one of the chairs cross legged

"It's not a mission from me... It's from my brother Trenderman" Slenderman said and gestured to Trenderman who was impatiently tapping his foot and crossing his arms

"May i speak now brother? " Trender hissed under his breath and made everyone in the room froze at his cold tone

Slender sighed and nodded, Trender stood in front of the three killers

"I have a mission for you three to assassinate a nobleman in england. He took all my clients and sold them to the black market! I cannot forgive him! You need to kill him and bring back my clients" Trender snapped

"so... We're going to England to kill this guy?" Jeff asked. "Yes! He's holding a ball in five days, you three need to go in that ball and kill him!

"who holds a ball these days?" (Name) muttered and BEN shrugged

"you three can take anyone else to help on the mission, i don't care. I'll give the location to my brother " Trender said and stormed out of the room in anger

" remind me why he can't do it by himself again? " BEN asked, Slender sighed "he doesn't like getting blood on his hands" he explained

"how are we even gonna get to England?" Jeff asked, "can't we teleport with (Name)?" BEN claimed

"I can try" she said, "we need a place to stay there. I need to prepare for the ball, you boys are gonna have to suit up and look decent" (Name) commanded

"we have an ally in England, you can stay in with him" Slender said, "alrighty then, let's go boys" (Name) dragged the two with her outside

"wait, NOW? i haven't even packed anything. Don't we need clothes? " BEN asked

"Nope! All your clothes are with me, now we need a plan of attack. Let's just go to England first" (Name) said and stopped outside

"can i at least grabbed my knife? " Jeff asked,"You won't need it Jeff" she said

"what do you mean i don't need it? What am i gonna kill the bastard with?" he snarled

"you're not the one killing him, all you need to do is gather information about Trender's clients and bail. Me and BEN are gonna blow the building once you get the info" (Name) explained

"do i torture him? " Jeff asked

" No.... I have another way" (Name) muttered and smiled widely as she held BEN and Jeff's shoulder and they teleported off

They ended up in front of a decently big house near the woods. "is this the place we're gonna be staying at?" (Name) asked

"oh god, i miss this place" BEN exclaimed and ran towards the front doors and knocked on it

"Jason!! Open upp!" he yelled and footsteps could be heard from inside the house

The door opened and came out a tall red haired man, he had a wide smile and green eyes

"BEN! It's been long" Jason greeted and patted him on the back

"I've heard from slender that you guys need a place to stay on a mission, you're always welcomed here" Jason said

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