Chapter 43

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Hi guys... I'm sorry for not updating for sooooooo long..... School happened. And by the way.. That's my hamilton fan animatic up there...

Thank you for being patient with me _____________________________________

(Name) laid on her bed with her eyes closed, humming the song that has been stuck in her head while nodding along to the beat of the song

She opened her eyes and heard the ruckus outside of her bedroom

Someone was arguing outside her bedroom and by the sound of it.... It's definitely Jeff and BEN

She lightly sigh, (Name) stood up and walked to the door, slamming the door open and glare at the two killer in front of her

"what are you two doing?" her voice came out colder than anticipated

"i was just" "he was just"  "we were going to" "you know, funny thing is..." "we were gonna tell you" they overlap each other's voice making (Name) sigh

"hold on! Hold on! I SAID HOLD ON!" she yelled making them shut their mouths

"one at a time, please... You're giving me a headache" she sighed

Jeff and BEN glanced at each other and Jeff nudged BEN

"you do it" Jeff said, BEN frowned "no you tell her"

"i don't wanna do it, you do it"

"no you tell her"

They keep going on and on making (Name)'s eyes twitch

"are you gonna keep standing there and look stupid like the three stooges or are you going to tell me what's going on?" she said

"we have to tell you about Ma-" BEN started but immediately cut off by Slenderman teleporting beside the three

"(Name), i need you on a mission" he said

"Yes, sir" she said, he nodded and teleported away

BEN gripped his hair and looked like he was internally screaming

"You know what! Screw it, go on your mission (Name)! But this discussion isn't over" BEN said and stomped away

Jeff also look disappointed and walked away

(Name) shrugged and walked to Slenderman's office to get her mission

After she was instructed to kill this girl, she immediately went to the closest town

"Serena" (Name) called, "yes?"

"give me the location of the girl"

After a few minutes, Serena gave her the coordinates and (Name) went to the location

The target was in a forest, which was weird

She looked around, getting frustrated on where this target was

She heard a giggle not far from where she was. "that must be her"

(Name) kept following the girl's voice and saw the girl... Wrapping her arms around Masky and kissing him

"well... Well... Well" she stated making them broke apart and look at her, the girl looked confused while Masky was already standing up and looked panicked

"(Name)! What are you doing here?!" he asked

"I'm here.. For her" (Name) said and pointed to the girl clinging to Masky's arm

"i knew this would happen" (Name) muttered looking down at her feet, "no... (Name) this isn't" Masky trailed off while the girl still clings on his arm

"Tim... Who is this?" the girl muttered, (Name) lightly laughed and started laughing harder and harder with tears in her eyes

Masky flinch knowing that laugh.... This isn't going to be good

She stopped laughing and glared at the two 'couple' in front of her

"you know... Thanks Tim, i needed a subject to try this song on" she said

I saved every letter you wrote me
From the moment I saw you
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought you were mine

She sang with tears brimming on the corner of her eyes, her lips trembled.. She couldn't let this ruin her

Do you know what Angelica said
When I told her what you'd done?
She said
"You have married an Icarus
He has flown too close to the sun"

"(Name).. I.." Masky started to walk towards her but the girl kept clinging on to his arm

Don't take another step in my direction
I can't be trusted around you
Don't think you can talk your way
Into my arms, into my arms

Her tears were crystal clear in Masky's eyes, it dripped down her cheeks and her expression filled with despair

I'm burning the letters you wrote me
You can stand over there if you want
I don't know who you are
I have so much to learn

Her hand started to engulf with fire and she looked at her hand with empty eyes

I'm re-reading your letters
And watching them burn (burn)
I'm watching them burn (burn)

She shifter her foot and fire began to surround the three of them, the girl screamed in horror and hid behind Masky

You published the letters she wrote to you
You told the whole world
How you brought this girl into our bed
In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives

The fire began to shift closer to the girl before it started to burn her legs, she screamed in pain while Masky avoided the fire and watched the girl scream

Heaven forbid someone whisper
"He's part of some scheme"
Your enemy whispers
So you have to scream
I know about whispers
I see how you look at my sister

(Name) glared at the girl with pure rage, making her look more menacing than before

Don't, I'm not naive
I have seen women around you
Don't think I don't see
How they fall for your charms
All your charms

The fire grew more and more and soon the girl's scream began to get deafening

I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted
When you broke her heart
You have thrown it all away
Stand back, watch it burn
Just watch it all burn

(Name) was just heartbroken that the fire began to grew more and more, until the girl finally... Burnt to death. No more screams, just the sound of (Name)'s singing and the fire burning around them

And when the time comes
Explain to the children
The pain and embarrassment
You put their mother through
When will you learn
That they are your legacy?
We are your legacy

(Name) gripped her hair and sang through the frustration, Masky looked at her in pain... Why did he do it? Why.. He was so stupid..

If you thought you were mine (mine, mine)

The fire died down and (Name) panted, tears still streaming down her face

"I should've killed you too for that..."she whispered making him flinch

"but Slenderman wouldn't like that..." she continued and glared at him, "now... Goodbye" she said and walked away, leaving him there alone

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