Chapter 17

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"(NAMEEEE)!! GIVE ME BACK MY KNIFE!!" Jeff yells as he searched the whole mansion for her. Jeff knew that (Name) took it since she's been nagging on getting bored and wanting to play with him but he always declined

"(Name)! I swear to god if you don't give me back my knife i will kill you!" He yelled and ran towards her room.....well, the proxies room

"HA! I'd like to see you try to kill me!" She yelled from across the hallways holding his knife.

"Come on jeff! You need some fun and exercise! Don't be such a grump!" She smiled teasingly and ran downstairs

"Oh you wanna play? I'll give you a game" jeff mumbled and ran down

(Name) sat on the couch while chatting with EJ not noticing Jeff walking slowly behind her.

When (Name) was about to turn her head Jeff tackled her to the ground and they started to brawl

Meanwhile Nina gritted her teeth at the scene and clenched her fist "why does jeff have to be with that girl?!" She mumbled and glared at (Name)

"Nina, calm down" Jane said and put a hand on Nina's shoulder. "I can't! My jeff is hanging around another girl! I can't take it!" She whined

Nina glanced back at (Name) which was laughing and giving jeff his knife back and jeff hitting (Name)'s head

Nina frowned and walked back to her room while stomping her feet like a child. (Name) and Jeff glanced at an angry Nina stomping her way to her room

"What got her panties in a twist?" (Name) mumbled and apparently Jeff heard what she said and scoffed

"Ya know, Nina seems" (Name) said slowly. "More like a puppy love. I don't want anything to do with her" Jeff said and walked away

(Name) turned her head toward EJ who was just watching everything from the couch, he shrugged "don't look at me. I'm not explaining anything" he said, "Boo~" she pouted and walked away

"(Name) please come to my office" Slenderman said in telepathy to her, (Name) layed down on her bed and groaned. She slide down her bed and sat on the floor. "Now" Slenderman said

"I'm comin, I'm comin" she mumbled and walked towards Slenderman's office. Her movements were slow and lazy.

She opened the door to his office "what'cha need Slendy?" She said and walked into the office, she saw Nina already inside, she was crossing her arms and glaring at (Name)

(Name)'s face was in surprise and her mouth shaped an 'O'.

"I'm sure you already guessed it, I am sending you out to kill someone for me with her"  he said, Nina made a 'tch' sound

"Can i have a reason why she's here?" (Name) asked. "On Nina's last mission, she was seen by a citizen. And killing that witness is her responsibility. I am sending you with her because you need to keep an eye out for any more witness" he explained

"I can do it alone" Nina grumbled, "I understand that, i am only taking drastic measures. Now out you go" Slenderman said.

Nina walked out while (Name) did a mock salute and walked out. As both of them walked out of the mansion, none of them said a word to each other.

It was dead silence between them to the victim's house. Turns out he had a family. "I'll take out the victim. You take the rest of the family" Nina said and both of them went inside the house

Nina quietly went into the parents bedroom while (Name) went to the kids.

Nina covered the victims mouth making him wake up and struggle and mumble under her hand. His eyes filled with fear as she held her knife up.

As she pushed her knife down to his heart, the wife began opening her eyes slowly to see her husband being stabbed. She let out a yelp and scrambled down the bed

Her yelp made Nina snap her neck towards her. The wife quickly pulled out a gun out of her bedside drawer and pointed it at Nina

As the wife pulled the trigger, (Name) came in and immediately went in front of Nina, taking the shot to the stomach

Nina's eyes widened, she quickly stabbed the wife and looked towards (Name) "WHY DID YOU TAKE THAT?! I COULD'VE HANDLED IT!" She yelled.

(Name) groaned "are we really gonna argue now? I've been shot to the stomach and i'm probably gonna die of blood loss. We'll talk after we get back" she said and limped out of the house.

Nina helped (Name) walk to the mansion. As they arrived at the mansion, (Name) walked towards EJ's room with blood soaked her entire shirt.

(Name) layed down on the hospital bed and groaned " me, i've been shot.... literally" she mumbled and held her stomach

EJ quickly took her shirt off and began to tend the wound "i swear everytime you come here, it's always with some sort of injury" he said and made (Name) chuckle

"So what happened?" EJ asked, (Name) gestured to her, now stitched, wound "as you can see. I got shot in the middle of a mission" she said and smiled

"How you didn't faint of blood loss surprised me" EJ chuckled, then both of them heard a knock on the door. "Come in" he said

The door opened and Nina came in, "can i talk with her?" She mumbled. EJ glanced towards (Name) who gave him a nod

EJ walked out leaving (Name) and Nina alone in the room. "So...." (Name) trailed off

"Why did you do that?" Nina quietly said and lowered her head. "I've done nothing but be mean and talk behind your back. Why would you save me?" She continued

"Why wouldn't I? I consider everyone on the mansion a family" (Name) said ans laid her head back

"But why? You could've died because of me and everyone would hate me because of it. Especially Jeff" Nina said

"Do you hate me because of Jeff? He's a good friend to me, even if he can be mean sometimes" she said and mumbled the last part

(Name) stood up and hugged Nina, she stood in shock as the person she once hated hugged her

"What are you doing?" Nina mumbled, "i'm trying to be nice here" (Name) said. Nina slowly hugged her back "I don't wanna hear that from a person who kills for a living" Nina said. "Look who's talking" (Name) slowly pulled back from the hug

Both of them look at each other for a minute before bursting out in laughter. Nina smiled shyly at (Name) who smiled back

Meanwhile EJ stood in front of the room while smiling "they can get along after all"


A: Hi guys! I just wanna ask if you guys are liking the story so far and do you want me to make an official design on how (Name) looks like?

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