Chapter 16

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Aries: Hi hi! I read the comments on the previous chapter about how some of you can't read Zalgo's fonts. So i decided that now i will just type it in bold instead of Zalgo fonts.

Have a nice day!


*With Zalgo*

Zalgo walked through the hallways of his caster in underworld. The hallways are dead silent, all he could hear are his own footsteps

He opened the door to his throne room and saw the rake waiting for him "my lord....the demons...are.. ready for war..." the rake said, his voice raspy and croaked. His eyes are dull and staring through Zalgo's stiff face

Zalgo glared at him " How much are there?" he asked rake, his voice booming through the entire room

"10.000" he simply said

"Those fools better not die in the battle field" he said and sat on his throne, "there has to be at least 800 Alpha and 300 Beta" he said and laid back

"As you lord....what about....your daughter..." the rake said, Zalgo glanced at him and glared. "What about her? She refused my offer. I am ashamed to call her one of my bloodline, even though she is my greatest masterpiece. she has the same hard attitude as that woman....her mother" he growled the last part

"What...happened.. to her mother? I am sorry....for...asking my lord" the rake said, his voice getting slower by the second

"It is fine....that woman.....she dissapeared and worked on a facility...i never discovered what it was" he said

"Besides that, the girl i call my daughter shouldnt be able to withstand it any longer. She refused her demon side and suppressed it for far too long" Zalgo said

The rake's body stiffened " beserk?" He slowly asked. Zalgo nodded

*With (Name)*

While walking in the mansion, (Name) glanced at a familiar white door. "He hasn't come out of his room for weeks, what's he been up to?" She mumbled and went to the door. She was about to knock when the glitchy red door beside opened

Red came out of his room and saw (Name) about to knock on Silver's door, "what are you doing?" He asks her. "I haven't seen him around in weeks, i was wondering what he's up to" she mumbled and twirled some of her hair

Red sighed and scratched his neck "Silver is out killing" he said. "It's been weeks! Why isn't he back?" She asked

"Silver's technique is different from some of us in the mansion. He stalks people and makes them paranoid, he drives the people to the brink of sanity. And then he provocates people to kill themseves, it takes a lot of time. Unlike Jeff and other killers, he doesn't do it instantly. He tortures them slowly" Red explains

(Name) raised an eyebrow, "wow, never knew Silver could be that harsh" she said. "He went out 4 weeks ago, he should be back in a few days" he said and walked past her.

"Hey! Where are you going?" She asks and trails behind him. "Kitchen. I'm hungry" he said

When she was going to follow him, a sharp pain came to her whole body making her scream

Red instantly looked back and went to her, he grabbed her shoulder and looked into her eyes "what's wrong? What happened" he asked

She couldn't answer, the pain was too much. It was like her whole body was burning in lava, her head felt like it was split open. She started sweating and she clutched her head in attempt to make the pain stop

Her screams began to turn into silent pain. She gasped, it felt like all air that was in her lungs dissapeared. She felt a tug on her chest

"No! No! It can't happen!" She screamed out. "Hey! What is going on?! What's wrong?!" Red asked, he was panicking. Why was she in pain? He doesn't know a thing about the girl

"What's wrong? I heard a scre-" Masky ran over to them and cupped (Name)'s face, she was breathing heavily and sweat was all over her face

"No, i don't want it to happen! Please stop it!" She said and clutched Red and Masky's shirt as her right eye slowly turns red.

"SLENDER!" Masky yelled out, (Name)'s eyes began to close but it quickly opens again

"I can't close my eyes....or will be over" she gasped out. Slenderman teleported beside masky and quickly carried (Name) in his arms

"What happened?" He asked the two creepypasta. "I don't know, she was just normal a few minutes ago and then she started screaming and collapsed" Red explained

(Name) grabbed Slender's suit making him look at her. " outside....i do...a spell" she gasped out

Slenderman teleported the four of them outside, which was where Jeff and Smile dog currently was

Slender put (Name) down on the ground gently, she tried to stand up but to no avail. She stood up with the help of Masky

"What's wrong with her?" Jeff said and walked towards the scene. "I will explain later child" Slenderman said.

(Name) breathes heavily and put a hand to her chest, pulling her gem out. Masky's eyes widened "you're gonna seal it in you?" He asked

(Name) painfully grinned "what choice do i have?" She forced a chuckled

Her gem glowed brightly, both of (Name)'s eyes went fully red, her skin looked similiar to Zalgo's. After a few seconds, everything turned normal again

Her eyes and skin went to it's normal color, she gasped and falls down. Masky carried her bridal style.

"Child, you better explain everything to me this instant!" Slenderman's voice was loud and clear

(Name) sighed and explained everything like she did to Masky, "but sir, i swear. I am not a spy, i hate that man i call my father" she said and clenched her fist

"I believe you child, perhaps you will need rest before you can train you other powers. I must go" Slenderman said and teleported to his office

"Never knew you had such a rough background" Jeff said and Red nodded. "You could've told us all, we would understand" Red said

"I know, but i was afraid. How will it be if
You knew i was the daughter of the demon all of you hate? Chaos" she said and slumped down

"Now now, you can all talk when (Name) got her rest, let's to your room" Masky said and carried her to their room

When they arrived, Both of them saw Toby and Hoodie waiting in their respective beds

When the two proxies noticed Masky and (Name) in the doorway, both of them quickly went to them "Are you okay?! Wht happened?" Both of them said at the same time

Masky glanced at them to be quiet and they did "(Name) needs rest now, she had a rough day. Let her sleep" he said and layed her down in her bed

"Thanks masky" she said and drifted off to sleep

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