Chapter 9

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She went back to the mansion with a giant bag filled with organs

She slammed the door open "I'M BACCKKKKKKKK DID YOU ALL MISS MEEEE????" she yelled and went inside

She saw everybody was having breakfast, "EJ~~ I have a few kidneys for you" she said and throw the bag of kidneys at EJ

He caught it and opened it "wow, It's all still fresh, Thank you" he said and put the kidneys in the fridge

"Child, are you going to eat breakfast with us?" Slenderman asked, she shook her head and lifted her empty bag

"Already did! I ate my victims limbs. Sorry for the ones that are eating right now" she pointed at Toby that was eating a waffle but he had a frightened face

"Sorry Toby!!" She said and ran to her room, she sighed in relieve when she was in her room

"Nobody noticed a thing" she mumbled and her head started to hurt

It felt like her head was splitting into two, she tried her best to swallow the pain and not scream

Her chest felt like it was burning, she locked the door and took off her clothes

She looked in the mirror and in the middle of her chest was a gem, or rather a spirit stone

She clicked her tongue and put her clothes back on, "I have to find a herb to slow the process" she mumbled and went into the woods again

After a few hours she went back through the window, and saw the proxies there "sup!" She said and plopped down on her bed

"Where have you been?" Masky asked, "out for a walk" she lied, but the others believed it

"For 5 hours?" He asked, she just nodded her head and yawned "now if you'll excuse me, I have a 9 hour sleep to catch on" she said and fell asleep

"That was fast" Toby said and poked her cheek

Then BEN slammed the door open "(Name)??!!! Are you here?!!" He yelled

"SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" the three proxies glared at the elf, "she's sleeping!" Toby half whisper half shouted at him

"Well sorry!" BEN whispered and walked out of the room

___________Time Skip Next Day________

The next day (Name) woke up at noon, "f*ck, I missed breakfast" she said and rolled out of bed

She yawned and went to EJ's room, she knocked twice before entering the room

"EJ!! Share your kidneys, I wanna eat" she whined to the eyeless man

He took his mask off so she could see his grey skin and empty eye socket

"It's on the top shelf" he simply said before going back to read his book

"Thanks!!" She said and reached for a jar of kidneys, she started eating one and went to sit beside EJ

"What are you reading?" She asked while nibbling on a kidney, "Hamlet" he said

"Children, Please assemble to the living room. I have something to say" Slenderman said

They all gather at the living room, and sit on the couch, some sat on the floor

"Children, my brother's are coming today so please behave" Slenderman said

All creepypasta froze and paled. They all started mumbling that they have to go somewhere

"What's wrong with his brother's?" She asked, BEN looked at her in shock

"Well all i can say is that they're a pain in the ass" he said and he ran into the tv

She was the only one in the living room now, "Child, thank goodness you're polite enough to not avoid my brothers" Slenderman said and patted her head

"Y-yeah" she stuttered, actually she was a bit nervous to meet his brother's

Then the door slammed open "BROTHERR!!! I CAME TO VISIT!!! and I brought Sally and Lazari!" A colorful version of Slenderman walked inside

Two little girls ran in and hugged Slendermans feet "daddy!! We missed you!!" The girl with the teddy bear said

"OH! A NEW PERSON!!" he ran up to (Name) and hugged her

"She's my new proxy, (Name)" Slenderman said, (Name) smiled at him

"(NAME), HOW CUTE!! I'M SPLENDORMAN!" He said and smiled and tipped his top hat, Splendor put (Name) down

"A new proxy you say~ well, aren't you a lovely one~" a white hand grabbed her's and hugged her from behind

She looked behind her and saw a flirty(perverted) version of Slenderman

"Hello beutiful~ I'm Offenderman, Pleasure to meet you" he said and gave her a rose

(Name) smiled "No thanks, I'd rather not be raped" she smirked at him

"How did you know?" Offenderman said in a shocked tone, "there is an AI in my brain that gives me any sort of information that I need" she told him

"I'm impressed little girl" he said and patted her head

"Hi missy! What's your name? I'm Sally!" A little girl with green eyes said, she held a teddy bear and a big grin on her face

"Um...Uh...I'm Lazari, N-nice to m-meet you" another girl said, she had red hair and a bow at the end of her hair

(Name) kneeled down and smiled at both girls, "Hi, I'm (Name). Nice to meet you"

Sally smiled widely at her "Hi! Are you daddy's new proxy?" She said

'Daddy?' (Name) thought, "I adopted Sally and Lazari when they're at the brink of their sanity" Slenderman said to her

She nodded her head in understandment "Big sis! Do you wanna play? Come play tea party with us!" Sally dragged (Name) to her room

(Name) smiled and played along with them

After a while they played together, Laughing Jack came in "Hi Sally and Lazari, I see you're both back" he said and cackled

"Jack! I miss you" Sally and Lazari ran up to LJ and hugged him

"Sup Jack! I thought you ran away" (Name) said and smirked at him

"Well I came back to see the kids, It's been a while since I played with them" he cackled

(Name) got up and started to walk to LJ but her head started throbbing again but more painful

She clutched her chest and started to breathe heavily, LJ looked at (Name) "(Name)? Are you okay?" He asked her

She was about to answer but as soon as she opened her mouth an ear-piercing scream errupted from her mouth

Sally and Lazari closed their ears and closed their eyes, LJ's eyes widened and quickly went to her

"(Name)? (NAME)?! What's wrong? What happened?! Are you okay?" LJ grabbed her shoulders and tried to calm her down

She saw LJ's face in front of her and she saw Sally and Lazari's frightened face then it all went black.


Hi hi! Sorry for the long updates, I've been busy with school. And I have exams next week.....Yay for me. But anyways, I'm sorry for the sucky chapter

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