Chapter 13

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After a few months inside the laboratory, (Name) hasn't given up on hope even with the experiments and the bullying at school

Ai had kept her company through out the days, they had developed a mother-daughter relationship

Every day the experiments got worse and worse, One day the doctors prevented her from going to school because of an experiment they were going to do on her

(Name) was tied down on a bed in the middle of an operating room, she struggled but to no avail

"W-what are you going to do?!" She yelled at them and kept thrashing around

She yelped as a doctor tranquilize her, her eyelids became heavier by the second and soon enough, she fell asleep

*Time skip*

(Name)'s eyes snapped open as she felt a pain in her chest, her hand quickly went to her chest and felt a cold stone embedded there

She looked around and found herself in her room, she heard footsteps coming to her room

Kuro walked in front of her room and glanced at her "I see you're awake" he said

"Wasn't that obvious? What is this?" She glared at him, "It is a spirit stone, we managed to plant it into your body. Now your whole being is depended on that stone. If you use the power too much and it dies, so do you" he explained

"Good morning, are you awake?" A voice said in her head, she jumped in surprise and looked around for anyone

"I see she's activated, we also put an AI microchip in your brain. It's to test if it will short circuit or not" he said and then walked away

"What is your name?" The AI asked her, "(N-Name), what's yours?" She asked

"I do not have one" she said, "hmm, I'll give you one! Your name will be..... S-serena...Serena! Do you like that?" She asked

" is a nice name, I like it" she said and (Name) could imagine her smiling

After a few minutes Ai came by her room, she was smiling and holding something in her back

"Hello (Name)! i have a surprise for you!" She said and smiled at her, (Name) smiled softly and tilted her head "what is it?" She asked

Ai held a device in her hand and gave it to her. "It's my old nintendo! You can play games in it if you like, I don't play it anymore so i thought you would like it! You know, to keep you company" she said and smiled

(Name) smiled at her, "Thank you! This is the nicest thing anyone has ever given me!" She grinned at Ai

"Your welcome! I have to go now, make sure no one sees you while you're holding that" she said and walked away after waving at her

(Name) clutched the device in her hands and she began to study how it works

*Time Skip a few weeks*

(Name) kept playing on the nintendo on her spare time and the doctors are still trying to make her use the gem, but it wouldn't work

She doesn't know how to activate it and the doctors are forcing the power to come out to protect (Name)

They tried drowning her in cold water, they tried burning her, they tried everything possible but it doesn't work

One day Ai came to (Name) room and gave her a recorder full of musics, "what do i do with this?" She asked

"You click on the button and music comes on, I recorded my favorite anime songs and openings" Ai said and smiled at her

(Name) pushed the play button and a song starts playing

Oshiete, Oshiete yo sono shikumi wo
Boku no naka ni
Dare ga iru no
Kowareta, Kowareta yo kono sekai de
Kimi ga warau
Nani mo miezu ni

Ai smiled as soon as she heard the song, "that was my favorite, It's called Unravel from an anime called Tokyo Ghoul" she explained to (Name)

'Hide didn't deserve to die' Ai mumbled to herself

"I like this song" (Name) hummed along with the song, Ai smiled "I'm glad you like it, I have to go now" dhe said and walked away

(Name) listened to Unravel over and over again, since that song became her favorite

She didn't notice her gem began glowing and a pair of kagune began to grew from her back

She noticed it felt like she had an extra limb coming out of her back, she looked at it in surprise and accidentally dropped the recorder and the music stopped

As the music stopped the kagune began to dissapear, her heart was racing and she didn't know what just happened

Curiosity began growing in her, she grabbed the recorder and played another song

It's a beautiful day outside
Birds are singing, flowers are blooming
On days like this
Kids like you
Should be burning in hell...

She felt one of her eyes lit up with power, she felt very determined to learn about this power she has

*Another Time Skip*

She already took control of her newfound powers in 3 months, call her a fast learner

She began instructing a plan for her escape with Serena on her side, she began playing one of the songs, this one has an impact that could wipe everyone out in a second

She began playing dog days opening and since the anime has a lot of characters, she can choose one

She chose Leonmichelle Gallete de rois

(Name) concentrated and summoned her weapon which was a giant axe, she activated her spirit seal

The doctors felt an enormous power in the ground, they quickly went to check on the computers and the power levels were off the charts

Meanwhile (Name) was activating her spirit seal "Giant explosion!" She screamed out and an explosion big enough to wipe out the entire lab bursted out

After it was done, she saw her surroundings. It was all ashes, she saw bones in the distance but she doesn't care anymore

She stood up and ran into the woods


Guys, i am so grateful because all of you kept on reading my story and you actually liked it. I love you all, thank you so much for being here

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