Chapter 32

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I.  Am. So. Sorry.

I haven't updated in like a month or so (i know one of you commented that on the last chapter and you guilt tripped me)

If you haven't noticed,  i changed the cover of the book into that ^

Bad drawing,  i know
(Name) grumbled under the layers of blankets that was on top of her.

"(Name)? (Name)! Come on! It's been two days since you've been under that things! Come out" Hoodie poked her

She growled loudly making him back away, "(Name)! Get out!"

"No" she replied

"(Name).. "

" Nein!"

"oh come on!"



"Nggak! No! Nein! Nyet! Non!"

"what is wrong with you?!"

"I don't wanna talk about it" she's grumbled

"too bad, Slendy's calling for you" Toby came in and shook her body

(Name) peeked out of her blanket and groaned, "fineeeee" she grumbled and stood up

Since she was lazy to walk, she teleported to his office "what do you need me for?" she asked

She looked around and saw Helen, Jeff and BEN in the room

"my child, i need you to search a person for me. This person has been killing all over town and i want to recruit them" Slendy said

"okay, simple enough. And i assume they're here to help me capture this so called killer?" she asked

Slenderman nodded,  she took a deep breath "no"

"no? What's that suppose to mean" Jeff asked

"they can handle it,  you don't need me" she said and started to walk away

"what am i going to do with her?" Slendy sighed and facepalmed

"alright then,  you three go on ahead and recruit her" Slendy said

They nodded and went on their mission

(Name)'s POV

I walked out of Slendy's office and went straight to my room,  i don't know why he needs me on that mission

Those three are capable of handling it by themselves,  especially when it comes to recruiting and capturing.

I layed down onto my bed and sighed

I have been a little un-active recently.  Especially since I've been in the slender mansion. 

I used to go on so many killing spree but I've gotten lazy

I hear the bedroom door open and i saw Masky came in

"hey,  weren't you suppose to go on a mission boss sent you to?" he asked and sat down beside me

  "i refused,  those three are capable of handling recruiting a single person"  i said and rested my head on his shoulder

He stroked my hair as i let out a soft sigh,  "you should go on a killing spree more,  you've been really un-active"  he said

I groaned and buried my face in the pillows "i knowww"  i groaned

"maybe you can challenge the new person if those three came back" he suggested,  i hummed for a while "yeah,  good idea" i said

Jeff's POV

Me,  BEN and Helen walked to a quiet neighborhood.  This was where the killer last spotted

"BEN,  can you check if there was any security cameras on the time that killer was on? " i said

He nodded and closed his eyes for a moment, "there is a security camera but weirdly, the tape for the day the killer arrived was not there.  It's erased"  he said making me raise an eyebrow

"maybe,  they don't want to be found " Helen said, " maybe but we have a mission to complete,  if this person doesn't want to be found then sadly for them,  we're gonna find them anyways" i said and rubbed the back of my neck

"Let's split up and meet up here in an hour,  look for any information about this killer" i said

They both nodded and walked opposite ways,  now where should I go first?

I walked towards the victims house and sneaked inside

As i walked inside,  i heard a tiny bell behind me.  I turned around and nothing was there.  Must've been my imagination

I looked around the house but found no clue whatsoever,  i began to get frustrated from the lack of information on this person

I just hope the other two are doing better than me.  I walked around the victims empty house looking for slight bit of clue

I pass by a mirror and stopped,  it's been a while since i actually looked at myself in the mirror.  I noticed something behind me,  a girl who had shoulder length black hair,  a soft smile in her face

Behind her, a faint figure of a man with black hair that covered his right eye,  his left eye was hooded but it glowed red making it look menacing,  he had a lazy wide smile in his face,  almost like a cheshire cat

I heard that chime of a bell again, my heart pounded against my chest.  I turned around but they weren't there

I took a deep breath and put a hand on my heart to calm it down

"what did i drink last night,  jeez" i said and ran a hand through my hair

I ran back to the meeting place and saw BEN and Helen already there

"did you find anything? " I asked them, hoping for a slight clue

" no,  i didn't found anything" Helen said and looked down

"did... Something weird happen to you guys?" BEN asked

"weird how? " i asked him,  hoping that he wouldn't bring up the subject of what i just saw in that house

" i... Keep hearing the chime of a bell" he said and scratched the back of his neck

"me too" Helen said

"i do too,  but i saw a girl" I said

"you too? " they asked simultaneously,  i nodded "could that be the girl we were looking for?"  Helen asked

"maybe" BEN said before i could even say it

"well well well~ look who we have here cheshire~ the people from Slender mansion came to visit us!  How exciting!" the voice of a girl was heard by all of us,  we all turned to the source of the voice

"Hello there~"

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