Chapter 21

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Fair warning, this is gonna have some cursing and bad words in it.
(Name) and the others startd to infiltrate on Zalgo's lair, since he has a lot. They came on the one Sally's being kept on

"How are we suppose to go through if the entrance is heavily guarded?!" Masky whispered to all of them, they all hummed and stayed low

"FUCK IT" Jeff yelled and ran to the guards with his knife in hand, the demons growled and ready to attack

"Wai-JEFF?!" (Name) yelled, she sighed and dropped her head down. She grumbled a few words under her breath and clenched her fist. "Yeah, he's right. Fuck it. Let's go guys!" She said and ran towards the guards

Both Jeff and (Name) started attacking them, Jeff swung his knife at the demons, slashing them at the chest making them tumble backwards

(Name) froze their whole body in ice making them unable to move and slowly die inside

"Those two...i swear they're gonna be the death of me" Masky mumbled and signed to all of them to take a move


"Masky, I'll put you in charge of the infiltration while i discuss something with Ms. Ai" Slenderman said

Masky nodded "I understand"


Masky groaned internally at the memory and ran up to the demons, instantly killing them

The others also killed some of the demons but more came out and succeed in surrounding them

"Damn it! How many are there?" Jeff growled, "well they wouldn't have known we were here if you two stayed low!" Masky yelled at Jeff and (Name). Jeff 'tsk'-ed and (Name) stuck her tongue out

While masky is figuring out a way to get out, a white smoke came over them and covered the entire place

"What is this?" EJ mumbled, (Name) held her breath when the smoke came in. All of the demons surrounding them fell down making them lower their guard

"This gas is..." Nina trailed off, "I made it" Ai walked towards them with three smoke bombs in her hand

"(Name), here" Ai throwed to (Name) a gas mask, she immediately wears it.

(Name) gave Ai a thumbs up and clears up the fog/smoke. She took off the mask and took a deep breath "that was. Suffocating, you could've told me earlier?" She said

Ai giggled and apologized, "where is Slenderman?" Masky asked, "he had some bussiness to attend" Ai said. "Now come one, we have someone to save" Ai said and walked inside

The others followed and stayed silent, "Serena, Where is Sally?" (Name) asked

"She is 7 floors down below you, in a cell on the corner right" she replied, (Name) mumbled a thanks and they split up into 3 groups

First group:

Second group:

Third group:

All of them went into different directions and took out the demons that was patrolling silently

(Name)'s group went 3 floors down, she narrowed her eyes at the corridor in front of them

"I don't like the feeling of this floor" (Name) mumbled, "It's gonna be fine" Red reassurs her

(Name) gulped down her anxiety about the floor's eerie mood

Suddenly (Name) heard a scream from down the hall, her head snapped up "did you guys hear that?" She asks, "what do you mean?" Jeff asks

"That scream" she mumbled, "I have no idea what you're talking about" Jeff says

(Name) took a step forward but heard something behind her, she looked back and the others were gone

"Guys?!" She yelled out, (Name) gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. "I knew something wasn't right" she mumbled

"Serena" (Name) called out, no response. "Serena!" Once again no response

"Dammit, now i'm cut off from her too" she mumbled.

Meanwhile Jeff and the others were panicking because (Name) suddenly dissapeared, "the fuck?! How can she dissapear like that. At this time?!" Jeff cussed out loud

"Calm down, she'll come back" Red told him, Jane frowned and glared at Jeff. "We have a mission to complete, it's no time to be freaking out. Let's move!" Jane said

"I may be a heartless killer but i won't abandon her" Jeff growled, "why would you of all people care about HER?! THIS IS HER FAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE, IF SHE DIDN'T COME TO US WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS WAR!" Jane yelled

"You know, I'm getting real tired of your bullshit Jane. You mind your DAMN MOTHERFUCKING BUSSINESS BITCH" Jeff yelled

They started yelling at each other and didn't notice Red getting ticked off by their actions, his glitches getting worse and he gave Jane and Jeff the coldest glare

Jeff and Jane stopped yelling and looked at Red. "Both of you" his voice is cold and calm

"If the both of you don't shut up and get along. I will do things that you will regret." He said and glared at them making them flinch

"Y-yes sir!" They both stuttered.

"Let's go."

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