Chapter 5

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Masky glared at her from behind his mask as (Name) smiled down at him "why would I do that?" He said with a growl

(Name) tilted her head and frowned, she sighed and lifted her sleeve that has the symbol in her shoulder

Masky saw the symbol and widened his eyes, "how come you have the operator symbol?" He asked

"I met slenderman when I was little, and he marked me with this" she said

'How come she has the operator symbol? She maybe faking, It looks real enough. She also showed me her powers, If I am wrong, the others can kill her' Masky though

"I'll take you to him" he said and started to walk, (Name) followed him "what made you change your mind?" She asked

"The symbol" he said, she hummed and continued walking until they saw a huge manor up front

(Name) gaped at it as Masky opened the door and gestured her to come inside first

Before she stepped in the manor, she sang "Let It Go" in her mind, so she had a little power

The second she stepped into the manor, weapons started flying towards her directions. She made a barried of ice around her

She saw a dozen knifes, swords, a hatchet, and a scalpel. She made the barrier fall down and the weapons clatter around her

"What a wonderful greeting~" she said and giggled, a couple of creepypasta's glared at her appearance

"What's a human doing here?" Jeff The killer said, she frowned a bit "a human? No no~ I feel offended, I am half human" she said and turned to Masky

"So? Lead the way" she said, Masky led her to Slenderman's office and knocked

"Sir? I have brought a visitor" he said, "You can come in" Slenderman said from the inside

As Masky opened the door, a few tendrils flew at (Name) and stopped in front of her face by a few inches

"Who are you?" He asked, (Name) smiled and lifted her sleeve up

Slenderman saw his operator symbol and his tendrils went back "(Name)? You found me..." he said

(Name) grinned and nodded, Slenderman walked in front if her and put his hand on her head

"My very first proxy" he said, Masky's eyes widened in his mask, "your first? I thought hoodie is your first proxy" Masky asked

"By that time she was just a child but I sensed something is going to happen to her, so I marked her to be the first proxy" he explained

Masky nodded in understandment,"so? Am i officially your proxy now?" She asked

Slenderman nodded "but I need to test you if you are worthy, you need to fight someone" he said, (Name) grinned and nodded

"Sure! Who do I have to fight?" She asked, "You will know in a few minutes" he said. She nodded "you both are dissmissed" he said and both of them went out

"'re his first proxy?" Masky asked, she nodded and smiled, he scratched his head "sorry about the way I treated you" he said

"Hey, It's cool! I don't mind" she grinned, "you're actually a very cool guy!" She complemented

Masky blushed under his mask, "t-thanks" he said, "well, we better introduce you to the others" he said and she nodded

Both of them went back to the living room and saw everyone already equipped to kill her

"Calm down everyone, she is a new proxy" Masky said, (Name) smiled

"Hi! My name is (Name) (Last Name)! I'm slenderman's first proxy, nice to meet you!" She said

Jeff scoffed "she looks weak to me! I bet she can't even land a scratch on me" he said

(Name) tilted her head "Is that a challenge?" She asked and slightly glared at him

Jeff scoffed and glared at her, In a second sharp ice shards are shooting at Jeff and stopped a few inches in front of his face

Jeff's face is full of shock, and fear. (Name) smiled at him, "are you surprised?" She asked

Jeff sweated and smirked a bit "you're an interesting one aren't you?" He said. "Why thank you! I try my best" she said and smirked

Suddenly BEN came out of the tv "I'm ba-" he stopped when he saw (Name) in the house

"(Name)?! Why? What? How are you here?!" He asked and shook her shoulders

She stopped BEN and started getting dizzy "I'm a new proxy" she said, BEN raised an eyebrow "well, I'm not are strong" he said

She grinned and put her arms around BEN "you know it! I am fabulous!" She said and flipped her hair

"I see all of you have met (Name), I have an announcement" Slenderman popped out

"Tomorrow (Name) here is going to fight one of you, to test her strenght" he said

"So.. who is she going to fight?" BEN asked

"Jane The killer"

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