Chapter 27

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Yep people that's right! This is not an extra chapter, THIS IS A REAL CHAPTER THAT'S GONNA FOLLOW THE PLOT


(Name) yawned as she walked down the stairs to get breakfast, she still has her pajamas on and she had bed hair. Her eyes are still half lidded and she walked sluggishly

As she arrived at the kitchen, she sat between Masky and Toby who looked at each other and then shrugged

(Name) felt a tug on her shirt and she looked down, Sally was smiling at her while still holding the end of her shirt

"Big sissy! Can we play later?" Sally asked while holding her teddy. Unknown to Sally, when she called (Name) 'big sissy' an arrow shot through (Name)'s heart

(Name)'s tired form immediately dissapeared and was repleaced by the usual happy-go-lucky attitude "Of course Sally~ we can play anything you want, but after we eat breakfast and i go change alright?" (Name) cooed

Sally smiled widely and nodded before going back to her seat, Lazari stood up from her seat "Sally! No fair, I also wanted to play with big sister!" Lazari said and pouted

Another arrow shot through (Name)'s heart, "Lazari, you can come play with us" she said as invisible flowers surrounded her

"Really? Yes!" Lazari said and then sat back down. "Uh, am i the only one seeing flowers around (Name)?" Masky asked

"No....i think i see it too" Toby replied and nibbled on his waffles

It's amazing on how the two little girls can make (Name) go from a demon to an angel in a split second

After breakfast, (Name) took a shower and put on a brown jacket over a white shirt.

"あなた わ だれ? あそびたい です か?(Who are you? Do you want to play?)" She heard a voice said above her

She looked up and saw a man standing on the ceiling, he had a mask on, it was half black and half white and had a wide smile

"いいえ、 あそび たくない。 ぼく の なまえ わ (なまえ)。 よろしく (no, i do not want to play, my name is (Name). Nice to meet you)" she said and smiled

The man jumped off and stood in front of her "ke~ke~ke~ おまえ にほんご しゃべる? おもしろい (you speak japanese? Interesting) " he said

"け け け〜 はじめまして (なまえ)。 ぼく わ かげかお (ke~ ke~ ke~ hajimemashite (Name). Boku wa kagekao)" he said and bowed

"Can we speak english now?" (Name) said. Kagekao stood up and nodded "You're a new creepypasta?" He asked

"Yep! I've never seen you before" (Name) said and tilted her head in confusion. "I'm just back from visiting my home country" he said

"i suppose it's Japan?" (Name) said and chuckled, "correct!" He laughed

"Now i have to go, nice meeting you!" (Name) said and waved goodbye before walking to Sally's room

She opened the door to Sally's room and she saw Sally and Lazari inside and they were playing doll. (Name) coughed to catch their attention

"Am i interrupting?" (Name) asked and giggled, both girls immediately tackled her making her fall down

"You made it!"

"I thought you weren't gonna come!"

Both girls said at the same time making (Name) smile and ruffle their hairs, "Of course i'm gonna come! You both lack faith in me" (Name) said and put a hand where her heart is

"Let's play!"

After that, the three girls played around in Sally's room, they played dolls, they play pretend where Sally is the princess, Lazari is the prince and (Name) is the evil witch who imprisoned Sally in the tower. (Name) smiled at both girls, It's been a long time since she can act like a child again since her childhood wasn't the best

"(Name) my child, i need you to do shopping, the others have emptied the fridge. And i need someone to buy food" Slenderman said in her head. She pouted but sighed

"Sorry girls, i have to go" (Name) said, both girls pouted "awww~~ why?" Lazari asked

"I got a job from Slendy" (Name) said, "aww why does daddy have to give you a job today??" Sally whined and snuggled her face into (Name)'s stomach

"Sorry girls" (Name) smiled sadly and stood up. The girls pouted but nodded anyways

"Stay safe!" Lazari yelled before (Name) walked out of the room

She walked towards Slenderman's office, she opend the door and saw  him sitting in his chair while doing paperwork like usual

"Child, here is the money and list of food that you need to buy" Slenderman gave her the list of food and money, (Name) nodded and walked out

"I'll go now" she said before going outside


"Okay, eggs" she mumbled as she grabbed some eggs and pushing the cart to another aisle. "Now.....waffle mix...gee, i wonder who's that for" she mumbled and chuckled

She saw the waffle mix at the very top of the counter, she stood at the tip of her toes but she still couldn't reach it "damn my short legs and arms and body!" She cursed

But as she tried to reach it again, an arm grabbed the waffle mix. She lookes at the person who grabbed it

He was tall and had brown hair, he wore a grey scarf and a coat. He also had a scar over his face.

He gave her the waffle mix, "uh, thank you" she said and slightly smiled

The man nodded and walked away, "hey! What's your name?" She quickly ask before he walked away

He stopped walking and turned his head slightly "Liu"

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